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Later on, Nikki has showered and is now waiting for Jack who is in the bathroom at the time, she quickly changes into fresh clothes while she waits for Jack and starts to dry her hair, once dry she carefully plaits it up into a fishtail milkmaid style going all the way from the one side of her head to the other. 

Jack walks out of the bathroom and across the hallway, he walks into the bedroom and looks at Nikki who is sat at the dressing table carefully doing her hair. He smiles at her as she glances over her shoulder before looking back at herself in the mirror. 

She smirks to herself when she finds herself looking at Jack through the mirror as he has nothing but a towel on and it's dangerously low. Jack opens his drawers where his stuff is and drops his towel before grabbing his clothes and getting changed into them. 

Jack is soon dressed and sits on the bed messing with his phone while Nikki continues to finish off her makeup and double-check that her hairpins are safely in and keeping her hair up. She quickly sprays some perfume before standing and looking at Jack. 

Jack smirks at her and quickly flicks his gaze up and down her body before heading out of the bedroom and back downstairs to join his Mum in the kitchen. "Your sister will be here in half-hour, you couldn't give me a hand preparing the veg could you?" His Mum replies as she frantically tries to get everything done at once. 

"Mum will you calm down..." Jack says as his Mum dashes around the kitchen. 
Nikki walks in and stands beside Jack looking at him a little confused to his Mum's frantic dashing across the room. "Here Mrs. Hodgson let me help you" Nikki smiles caringly as she takes the pan off her and places it down on the side and empties some of the water out. 

"Sorry, your dad has gone fishing... of course I get left to cook, he's good for nothing lazy bastard at times... Oh, Nicola, never let Jack turn into his Father you will hardly see him" Ruth curses as she gets a tray out the hot oven and accidentally burns herself, "Ahh Shit!" She panics as she clutches her wrist. 

Nikki raises an eyebrow at Jack before stepping in to help, "Here Mrs. Hodgson put your hand under the cool tap, do you have a first aid kit?" Nikki smiles caringly. 
"I'm fine, honestly I need to carry on, food doesn't cook itself" Ruth chuckles still in a lot of pain. 

Nikki looks up at Jack, "It's fine Jack will carry on won't you babe" She says giving him a warning look.  Jack nods and continues to finish off the dinner for his Mum.

Soon Nikki sits Ruth down at the kitchen table and grabs the first aid kit from on top of the refrigerator. She places it on the kitchen table and opens it up before grabbing some cooling wipes and a burns plaster. 

Nikki carefully wipes the burn on Ruth's hand and looks at her, "You've got to take things easier Mrs. Hodgson... you're clearly doing yourself no good" Nikki smiles sympathetically. 

"Please what have I told you to call me Ruth, thank you my dear child... what would my son do without you"  She smiles happily. 
Nikki chuckles and rolls her eyes as she watches Jack cook in a little world of her own, "He's fully house trained, although he hardly ever cooks for me, would be nice of him too" Nikki replies cheekily as Jack turns and looks at her 

"I cook!" Jack protests.
Nikki laughs and looks at him raising an eyebrow, "Oh really, like what frozen Pizza?" Nikki smirks and Jack frowns at her knowing he once cooked for the Lyell team around two years ago. 

Jack and Nikki both finish off the preparation of the dinner before heading into the lounge where Laura and her partner Hunter have just arrived. Nikki looks at the young woman and smiles as she instantly recognizes how alike Jack and his sister are. "Jack!" Laura giggles happily throwing her arms around her older bothers neck, Nikki smiles at how cute siblings they are and wonders would she have ever been like this if her parents had more children. 

"Laura... this is Nikki... my... girlfriend!" Jack smiles awkwardly brushing his hands through his hair, Nikki smiles happily at Laura and giggles as she has started to notice that Jack runs his hands through his hair when he is in an awkward situation. 

"Lovely to meet you Nikki, I'm Laura... I'm sure my brother has been saying good things about me" Laura chuckles cheekily as she hugs Nikki and pulls away after a moment. 

Nikki laughs and rolls her eyes at the two who seem to bounce off each other, although she was in some ways different to Jack especially her accent, it was much stronger and sounded more angrier than Jack's.  

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