Chapter 1-Journal for 2 years

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I'm Francine Eunice, I was heartbroken a year ago and when I stepped up to my Senior High, I was bitterful as fck. Screaming for I care for no permanent love in this world.

One day, when I was sitting at my seat. I noticed someone, a boy..or should I call it a loner, sitting alone at a corner. I walked towards him and I greeted him.

"Hellu, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Cairo.." He said to me with unconciousness in his face.

He must be asking why I went to him.

"Cairo, don't you had any friends back then last year?" I asked him.

"No" he said to me straighfordwardly.

Loner indeed.

As I went back to my seat, I first went at my friend, Qin.

"So, how's summer?" I said to them with a smile.

"It was great, we went somewhere, I played at the pc all day of boredom" he said to me then I laughed a little.

"Say..did you became friends with Cairo long time ago?" I asked him.

"Cairo?" He asked me again.

"Cairo, like that dude?" I said to him then pointed at Cairo who was sitting peacefully at his seat.

"Ohh, that guy. No, but we did became classmates long time ago, but we didn't interact" he said to me then the class bell rang.

I quickly went back to my seat and waited for recess to come.


"Hi Cairo" I said to Cairo as I went back to him first thing in recess.

"Yeah?" He said to me while he eats.

"Do you play games?" I said to him.

"Yeah" he said to me.

"How many?" I asked him surprised.

"Not much, just Gta and CS" he said to me.

"Ah.." I sigh.

"Ey Francine, someone's calling you from the door" Qin said to me as he came to me.

"Ok" I said to him.

After I talked with my long time friend who was at the other room, I saw Qin and Cairo talking, without interrupting them, I went out to buy recess.


"Hi guys" I said to Qin and Cairo talking about something.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them curiously.

"Just games" Qin said to me then I sighed as 'OK'.


Likely the class ended with Cairo having friends with Qin and I wasn't paying attention to class.

Months later

Seating arragements are boring unless your seatmate is amazing.
I was likely placed at the first row right side and my seat mate was my old friend Aide. While Qin was placed at our left side table with Chleo and Cairo was placed at the second row, right side (which was likely the last table) with Trina.

Everytime in class, I always feel tensions of someone is looking at me, I just ignored its pressence.


Ten Months-In a Year(Girl's POV)✔Where stories live. Discover now