Chapter 2-Journal for 2 years[2]

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"Loving someone takes a lot of risks, seeing him for only 10 months was like a week for me and a 2 months summer vacation was a decade"

After summer vacation, It was the same as last year, first day of school. Finding my own room wasn't that bad, but having friends there was the difficult one. I searched my other friends, they also got seperated. I also searched for Cairo's name in the student list at our room but in vain, he wasn't listed, I came back at my chair and waited as usual for recess.


I went to the other room, which was section Mendelian and I found there Qin and Chleo sitting on one table while Cairo was at the other table playing with his phone.

"Francine! Come here" Chloe said to me by the door then I went inside their room. I sat across Chloe and to my surprise someone sat beside me, it was Cairo.

"I hope all" Chleo said to us then I giggled.

Yeah right" I said to her then she leaned in to whisper something at me."(I have something to say to you later)"

"(What?)" I whispered her back.

"(Just later, ok?)" She whispered to me back.

Okay cool, this is creepy and curious. As I was talking and laughing with Chleo, suddenly a hand had tangled mine, it was firm, wide and relaxing, It was likely Cairo's hand. I quickly removed my hand but before I could do, Cairo gripped his hold. I just stayed calm and let him hold my hand until he looked satisfied.(Like a puppy)


Good thing I put this at my Journal.

Ten Months-In a Year(Girl's POV)✔Where stories live. Discover now