First second

26 4 7

Once upon one ate a food. when she saw seven eating NINE!! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" scream one. Seven replies "ELEVEN DUMPED ME! SHE WENT WITH TWENTY-FOUR! MY EX!!!" (you get it? 24 7? heheheh) 

One is shocked what happened to second???? meanwhile... second needed a second from long lost brother two. He had just visited and was annoying second. 

soooooo second hired seven to eat long lost brother two! 

ONE IS SHOCKED!!!!! if you do not know, one is best friends with second and knows that second would never do that. But boi was she wrong, second brought long lost brother two to his doom. 

SECOND WAS OVERJOYED. She watched as seven grabbed long lost brother 2 by the leg making him look like 3. Stuffing two into his slim body. 

Second walked to one and asked "well how do you do! isn't this a fine day?" One stared..."ummmm i'm not sure, i think i heard a lot of screaming." 

"oh that's nothing" second replies, eyes darting around. 

"well ok then" one says knowing that second did something. 

Second was now happy, now he can read his magazine in peace. He read and read and saw eight, the most famous model on pi.(earth) It was her origin story. 

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