2 / 11 / 2018

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The bus pulls up to the bus stop and I hop off, as it drives off I see Ruel sitting up on the low stone wall entrance thing where he was yesterday. I look over at him and smile, he smiles back and hops off the wall as I cross the road.

"Hello again," I say.

"Hey Rose" he says as we begin to walk. We talk about our days until we arrive at my house, we go inside and head upstairs into the living room. He takes control over the tv and I hear him put on the next episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S as I go into my room to change into something that's not my school uniform.

"You seriously started without me" I complain, entering the living room.

"You've already seen it" he replies.

"True, but still, start it again"

"Fine, but we've both seen this part already." he says back. I sit down and he restarts the episode.


"Is your brother home?" Ruel asks, obviously hearing the shouts coming from down the hall. They haven't met yet as he was out somewhere yesterday, probably with one new girl.

"Yea, I think so. He's probably losing NBA on his PS4" I say getting up from the couch and heading towards his room.

"Oh, I'll beat his ass!" I say as I get up, following her.

"JAMES!" I shout, entering his room. "This is Ruel, he said he'll beat your ass at NBA."

"Yea nah mate, doubt it" he says, concentrating on the game. "She talks about you a lot" he adds. They both laugh while I start dragging Ruel out of his room, blushing.

"I've been hearing a lot about that lately." he says, causing me to blush even more.


Ruel and I have been watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S for...I don't even know how long now. We're just starting a new episode when my mum comes up the stairs and asks if Ruel is staying for dinner. He looks over at me and I just shrug. I don't really care what he does, but it would be nice to hang out a bit longer.

"Yes, I will. Thank you" he says turning back.

"Okay then, I'll order pizzas. What would you like?" mum asks us.

"Um, I'll have a meatlovers." he says.

"Hawaiian, obviously." I say.

"Okay. Ruel, you can call me Ann by the way." mum says, walking back down the stairs after Ruel thanks her again. 

"I cannot believe you can have pineapple on pizza!" he says turning back to me, "That's absolutely disgusting!"

"Wow. Okay. Rude." I exclaim, "I don't even care, more for me!" he just laughs and texts his mum that he will be eating here. "What else don't you like?" I ask.

"Tomatoes, potatoes," he manages to get out before I cut him off.

"Okay, tomatoes...fair enough, but how can you NOT like potatoes!?!?! That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Do you know how special they are? Like chips! Mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, scalloped potatoes! You have serious issues!" I just laugh and shrug.

"What can I say? I'm a weird one" he admits.

We continue to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and when the pizzas arrive I eat my delicious pineapple pizza deliberately trying to piss him off.


We don't realise how late it is until Ruel gets a text from his mum asking what he's doing. He looks over at me and I can tell that he's thinking about something, although I'm not sure what it is.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask.

"Um...do you think I could stay here tonight? Obviously, I'll sleep in the guest room, it's just fun hanging out with you, ya know?" I'm honestly shocked but also happy.

"I mean, I'd have to ask mum but yea." I get up and head downstairs to talk to Mum while Ruel waits upstairs.

"Mummyyy..." I say looking for my mother. I eventually find her reading in the other living room and she looks up at me as I walk in. "Is it okay if Ruel stays tonight? It's just kinda late and we were about to put on a movie. Obviously, he'll stay in the guest room, if it's okay?" I blurt out.

"Yea honey, that's fine. Just MAKE SURE that he sleeps in the guest room, okay!? And you two don't make too much noise past 12 because your brother has tennis early in the morning, and I have to take him." she says.

"Of course mum. Thank you" I reply before turning.

"Oh, and you two will be alone in the morning so don't do anything stupid." she says before I head back up the stairs.

"Of course mum." I say, again.

I come back into the lounge and tell Ruel that he can stay, as long as he sleeps in the guest room and we don't make too much noise past 12. A smile spreads across his face and I can feel one on mine too.

At the end of the episode, we decide that we should take a break from F.R.I.E.N.D.S and watch a movie. He suggests a scary movie so we, eventually, decide on IT. I head downstairs to get snacks and send him to the linen closet for blankets.

I come back up the stairs with a bag of party mix (lollies) and a bowl popcorn, while Ruel's laying down on the couch covered in blankets. I hand him the lollies and sit down on the end of the very end couch, as he is taking up all of the room.

"Rose," he says, I look over at him and he opens his arms up, signalling for me to lay down with him. I can't help but smile and lay down with my head on his chest. He covers me with the blanket and I press play on the remote.


I jump, waking up to a sudden scream from the tv, and turn to see Ruel laughing his head off.

"Bitch" I say, playfully hitting his chest.

"I think it's someone's bedtime." he says, turning off the tv halfway through the movie.

I roll my eyes and get off the couch, picking up the empty packet and bowl from the table and taking them down to the kitchen. As I come back up the stairs, I don't see Ruel on the couch. I guess he just went to the bathroom. I turn to get the blankets put them back when someone jumps out from the corner, making me jump and squeal a little. I look up to see Ruel laughing as he holds his finger up to his lips. I playfully hit him and tell him to grow up, as I turn back to the blankets.

I show Ruel to his room, saying goodnight and walking back to my room. I have a quick shower in my bathroom and hop into bed. I can't stop thinking about Ruel and the past couple of days that we've spent time together. I lay in bed and go on snapchat to chat with my friends, obviously not about Ruel though, until I get a snapchat from him. I take a minute to open it, and see that it's a baby picture of me and my brother than I forgot hangs on the wall in the guest room, with a caption 'this would make a cute background'. I reply with a photo of him as a baby that a fan-page posted a while ago and said 'not as cute as this one', making sure to save it before drifting off to sleep.

The New Kid on the Block - oneruel fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now