Rhythm of my Heart

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Author: Michele (MercyMadness)

Word Count: 499

Point of View: Xavier

Title: Rhythm of my Heart

Song: Houdini by Foster The People

     Jumbled notes are tapped onto the piano; while equally jumbled thoughts flutter around my mind. Unlike most of my songs, the lyrics came first. I'm just having a hard time coming up with a melody.

     The lyrics roll over in my mind:
Got shackles on, my words are tied
Fear can make you compromise
With the lights turned up, it's hard to hide
Sometimes I wanna disappear.

     The piano doesn't seem right, nor guitar or a cappella. I can't seem to find the right instrument to express my music. Gazing around the area my eyes go hover over everything from a trumpet to a violin. It's not until I see a small ukulele. My mind floods with songs that use it. I should join the group, I think.

     After strumming a few cords, I remember how to play. While tuning the strings this and that way I create a melody I'm fond of. I get out blank music sheets and copy down notes. As I start to immerse myself in the music the door gets my attention.

     Belle comes stumbling in with a series of curse words flying out of her mouth. Her slight frown and furrowed brows smooth out when she sees me. Belle hurries over, I can tell she's ready to burst with some sort of tale. 


     “Tough day?" I ask moving to the side of the piano bench so she can sit down.

     “Lindsay is driving me nuts!" She complains, she then launches into another account of how Lindsay wronged her.

     I half listen the story, I just mainly watch her facial expressions. When her eyebrows shoot up, I laugh. That's the main response she gets from me. Seeing her smile is amazing. She was the one that finally got me to let my guard down and open up about the horrid state of my music career. With the end of The Search for Cinderella coming closer and closer, I just hope Belle gets picked as my date.

     “Hey superstar, are you listening to me?" Annie asks cocking a brow.

     “Sorry, just a lot on my mind at the moment. My song isn't working right," I admit.

     “Which one? They're all great."

     “Just something new," I brush off. Then an idea hits me, “Hey Belle, would you mind singing this the way you think the lyrics should be?"

     She then turns to the piano and starts to mess with the keys while she hums her tune. Belle always seems to solve my problems, I was thinking ballad, but subconsciously I wrote an upbeat song. I kiss her cheek.

     “Thanks for the help Belle, I want this to be a surprise. You'll be the first person to hear this once it's done."

     I stay up the rest of the night playing with different sounds and melodies until I deem it perfect. By morning I'm exhausted, but I have a piece recorded for Belle to listen to as she slowly falls in love with me and my music.

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