Chapter 7: Emotions

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The Monday morning sunlight shone brightly through Kari's bedroom window. The rays of light reflected off the peach orange walls and wooden laminated floor, adding to the room's usual warmth.

Kari unhooked her green school blouse off its hanger as she gazed into the mirror on the wardrobe door. The brunette thought over the events of yesterday as she slipped her arms down the sleeves of the garment.

"I'll bet TK wouldn't have slept well last night," Kari sighed as she pulled down the hem of her blouse, hiding her flat stomach and the pink bra that contained her developing and already ample sized breasts.

"It wouldn't surprise me," Gatomon replied as the cat Digimon stretched her front paws out across Kari's pink bed sheets.

Kari reached into her wardrobe and pulled out a green pleated skirt. "We both get nightmares when there are dark Digimon around but his are going to be so much worse considering the evil Digimon we're facing is his nemesis and worst nightmare." The brunette teen spoke in a concerned voice as placed her long, smooth legs in her skirt and pulled the item of clothing up over her curvy buttocks to the top of her hips.

"I know how he feels," Gatomon sympathised as she sprinted from the bed to the wooden dressing table. "I can't describe how I felt when Myotismon returned."

Kari followed her feline Digimon over to the dressing table and began to check her makeup and hair. "He gets extremely emotional about it and, to be honest, I can't blame him. I know I'd be devastated if I lost you or anyone else I cared about."

A silence fell over the room as Kari's mind began to think about what she would do if she actually lost someone. The teen girl's thoughts quickly ended up focusing on a certain blonde boy. She sighed as she pulled her red hair clip out and picked up her hair brush. "Imagine if TK had died anytime during our adventures."

"Huh?" Gatomon looked up at her partner with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"

"I know I'd be dead if it wasn't for TK," Kari began as she stared at herself in the mirror. "Piedmon, the Dark Ocean or something else would have killed me if he wasn't here." The brunette's mahogany eyes moved from her reflection to the photos which lined her mirror. She scanned from photograph to photograph, noting just how many of them contained her messy blonde haired best friend. "I guess you could say he's my hero, along with you of course." Kari glanced down to Gatomon and smiled before she began to brush her chocolate brown hair.

"Kari, I know how important he is to you," the white cat Digimon replied as she watched Kari replace her red hair clip back into position on the left hand side of her almond hair.

"I owe him my life, the least I can do is support him through his battle with Neodevimon." Kari set her brush down on the table before picking up her pink school bag. "We better get going. I said I'd met TK on the way to school this morning."

Kari lent against a grey stone wall as the cool summer morning breeze gently swayed her silky chocolate brown hair. Her mahogany eyes were fixed on a point further down the unusually quiet and empty streets of Odaiba as she waited for TK. She had asked him to meet her an hour before school started so she could make sure he was ok.

A smile grew across Kari's face as she saw the familiar tall, blonde teenage boy and his cream and orange Digimon partner walk round the corner and into her sight. She took in her best friend's appearance. It was obvious TK had not slept well because his hair was even more of a mess than normal and his usually smart school uniform was untidy and uneven.

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