Chapter 2: Identical

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"Where do you think you're running to?" I hear a familiar voice behind me, which is odd because I didn't see anyone when I ran past.

I suddenly stop and turn around to ser my guy best friend, Alex.

Without even thinking I sprinted into his arms and he gave me one of his famously good hugs.

"Now," I start. "How about we have a race to the train station, yeah?"

He grins and starts sprinting.

"That's not fair!" I yell before sprinting after him, knowing I could never win.

I have ginger hair and emerald green eyes, am 5'4", 15 years old, and am more of a sporty person then an academic person, although running isn't my strong suit.

Alex has light brown hair, dark brown eyes, is 5'7", 15 years old, and unlike me is talented at both academics and sport, and, like most things, is really good at running.

He's also the captain of the football (A/N: You may call this soccer) while I captain...


I see him reach the train station and stop, looking over his shoulder to see if I'm there.

He turns around and crosses his arms, trying to look impatient but failing with his giant goofy grin on his face.

Just as I start to reach the train station,  he's tapped on the shoulder and turned around, to be kissed by his girlfriend, the one and only, Alessandra.

Yes, she IS the captain of the cheer squad.

But unlike your typical captain of the cheer squad and football squad, these two were the cutest, sweetest couple you would ever meet.

They've been dating for a year and a bit now, and they are so kind and loving, I wish I could be in a relationship like that.

But, I've never had a relationship. I've been close, but I couldn't do it.

He turns back around to her, and her smile widens, if that was even possible, before leaning in to kiss him.

Just then I hear voices behind me.

As I turn around I see my best friends, Chloe, Chris and Charlie, the triplets.

Identical triplets.

"Hey," they all say in unison.

They do this a lot, but you get used to it.

They continue their usual morning banter about who's better than themselves as the train roles up and we get on board, starting the hour journey to school.

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