sewing, tickling, and other shenanigans

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Hey! Back at it again with another oneshot!

     Marinette hummed as she hunched over her sewing machine, wincing as she had to remove a stitch. She swore quietly under her breath and twisted the needle-raising knob as a crash sounded from her balcony. She called up a muffled greeting, her mouth occupied with holding several pink pins.

A black-clad boy crashed unceremoniously from her balcony trapdoor, tumbling down the stairs and landing roughly on her chaise.

Marinette chuckled, removing the pins from her mouth and spinning around to face him. "Well, look what the cat dragged in."

Chat clicked his tongue, sitting up disgruntledly. "Rude. I'm a work of art, wouldn't you agree, Mari?"

Marinette made an offhanded noise, returning to her project. "Debatable, alley cat."


Marinette smiled mischievously. She lowered the needle and resumed her stitching. She didn't notice the cat slink up behind her until she was startled by his voice in her ear.

"So, whatcha workin' on?" Chat asked, poking at the pink spotted fabric she was hunched over with a claw (courtesy of Plagg, of course).

Marinette swatted lightly at his hand, pushing him away without looking up from her project. "It's a secret."

"Aww," Chat pouted. Marinette looked up at him, mock gasping at what she saw.

"No." She said, adopting an expression of false fear. "No, it can't be. Why would you do this?"

Chat's pout widened. "Why wouldn't I?"

She sighed. "Alright, alright, you win. Just put away those puppy eyes. You're supposed to be a cat, for god's sake." She muttered something quietly to herself.

"What was that?" Chat asked suspiciously.

"I said," she smirked up at him. "Furry."

He stumbled back from her, falling on the floor dramatically. "Oh, woe is me!" He draped a hand over his forehead. "I have been called something I am not."

She chuckled. "Eh, I don't know..."


"Oh, I'll show you betrayal!" Marinette jumped from her seat, tackling him as he tried to get up.

"Ack!" He went sprawling with her.

"Face defeat!" Marinette tickled him, screeching when he tried to retaliate with tickles of his own.


owo what'd y'all think

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