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My mouth felt very dry, As I was looking around the room for the first time. My sight was on overdrive; I could see so clearly. Including the pores on someone's face. I could hear the voices of people working outside, the hummingbirds miles away.
Yes, I felt the power; yes I was free. But at what cost? The flashback of events that led to this moment was clear. Simon, was the one behind this. Anger took over me, I was hurt and upset, my blood boiling.
" Simon! I know your here. You get down here right now." A gust of wind, then a face coming out of the shadows, Simon was Soon behind me, swirling to face him I blew up at him. My eyes flashing wildly like I could not control myself anymore.
    " You know I never asked for this! I was at heaven's gate until I was shocked back. Now you bite me and make me this way? I'm a monster! I'm not meant to be a vampire!" Simon just shook his head; His eyes filled with sadness.
" I could not see you die! You deserve a better life then the life you had. Jess now you can be with your family. Cancer is gone you are alive. I helped you out in your final moments. " turning away,and thinking back on it, he had a point. Was I just being scared of what I had become just now? Was this a bad thing?
   " Perhaps. But Simon when I say things like don't turn me..please try to respect my wishes. Like any near future ones let me figure it out. Alright? " Simon hugged me from behind. His voice sending shivers down my spine.
" Does this mean we are an item now?" Chuckling, I pushed him away. " No you fool!" Laughing a tiny bit before My ears twitched to the sound of my mom's voice from a room over.
" I demand to see my daughter I know she's awake and I have a right!-" My mom was worried. As doctor's are trying to calm her down. Simon's once calm face turned to such seriousness once again.
      " You do realize that since I did this, and you are a vampire by someone else not on the council. This is a punishable offence and I can be banished for good. Or worse.."                     My mouth dropped open a little, I was so upset. I did not even realize I was doing that. They can't do this! I do not care how much power they have.
" They have power huh? I don't care if they have power or not. I won't let them do this to you. I have to do something." Simon hugged me. " This isn't your fault. This is all mine. I should have followed the rules. But love makes us all do crazy things. "
" Jess!"
Turning to my mom, I hugged right into her arms. Mom's tears staining my shirt.
" Mom, I'm alright I promise. No need to worry." Wiping away my tears I turned to my sister. Giving her a hug as well.
" Jess, you promised me dinner tonight remember. Since your feeling so much better." I did? I was confused until the hint came to my mind clearly. "Oh of course, I did!" Simon was using this as a way of trying to talk to me in private. Turning to my mom I clung on to his arm.
" Yes, mom I did. May I meet up with you later?" Mom was okay with it. But I can tell she was not thrilled with me just running off when she had been waiting to see me. That would be a conversation about this later. And i ended up heading out the door. Simon and I walked around for awhile, before sitting on a park bench.
" Is there a law that will prevent killing a vampire who broke the law for a good reason?" Simon amusedly replied, " There is but you won't like it. Besides, I can tell you are holding a grudge on my changing you."
Dammit, he was right. I was, there was no getting past it. Maybe it was because after all we went through I was bitter about the fact he went behind my back.
But it was for love right? But I shouldn't be questioning our love for each other either.
My throat got ichy from the smell of blood not to far away. Grabbing my throat I tried to control the thirst. It was becoming to much. Simon looked at me, his eyes locked on mine. But his thoughts were in my head.
       "Let's get you some blood. I know where we can go." He said, as we then ran off to grab some, Side by side running as fast as the winter breeze through the trees. Our smiles right back at each other.  Something about this seemed so right. I never wanted this to end. " We're here." Was all Simon said as we haulted abruntly in front of an old shack.
    Door swinging wide open to see a meat factory. My stomach was in knots and doing flip Flops. This was not my cup of tea, but hey Simon made it work for both of us.
" What's the matter Simon? Low on blood again this week?" Simon gave him a bare hug, and let go of him laughing.
" No Tony, I'm actually here with Mr. Williams daughter Jess. She's new to being like us and could use some blood. I would be happy to pay. " Tony shrugged off his offer and handed me a bag full.
" She's a pretty one Simon. It's free of charge. But I gotta warn you, you stay out of trouble you here me?" Simon nodded. Then rushed out the door. Confusion was already set in my mind, as I followed him out. " Simon, who was that? An old friend perhaps?"
Simon grabbed a bag of blood biting the tip off and putting the blood bag into a paper bag. After a few swigs he spoke.
" You could say that. I would say he's like a father figure to me. My parents died around world war 2 and a decade later, Tony finds me I was at a low spot in my life did not have anyone to turn to, he teaches me how to be a man. He's been with me ever since."
That was very sweet that he shared something personal about himself with me. I never really knew him that much until just now. It felt great! Smiling at him I then asked, " So what is this way I could possibly do to save your life?"
Simon looked back at me, handing me the paper bag as I took a few swigs from it, he spoke.
" Well you could forget about me forever. Or I could go be on the council. " We bursted out laughing. Once we calmed down, he spoke again.
" Or I could ask you to Marry me."

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