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     It was time.  Time to tell my mother and sister everything. Not to leave a single thing out. They would be in more danger if they had no clue what was going on. I knew that for a fact.  Mom pulled in to the garage with my sister in the car. Listening to her music when we appeared. 
           " Are you sure about this Simon?" Squeezing my hand meant yes. With him i knew things would work out.  With a smile, I nodded heading inside. The smell of brewed coffee met my nose, sending my stomach running for the hills. 
               " Are you ok sweetheart? Your pale as a ghost." I reassured her things were fine, but i had something important to tell Them.  My mom was the first one to give me a look of worry. My sister just shrugged abit but she was listening.
                 " Mom, there is no easy way for me to tell you. But please keep an open mind alright. " Breathing in deeply, I just blurted out the words. This was it, i was so nervous.   " I'm a vampire. I was changed the day i was suppose to die. "  As i studied her face she made no expressions, as if she were still in shock. But as soon as everything clicked in, she grabbed my hand tears filling her eyes.
                    " A vampire! How? Why? Who? This is a joke made to scare me and I'm growing sick of them."  Shaking my head I replied,
     " This is no joke mom. I'm a vampire im still new, I'm still learning to control myself. Simon was the one who turned me. I begged him not to but he did not. Im telling you the truth. I can prove it." I squeezed her  hand,  but she moved back fast. I sighed, she was afraid of me. 
       " Mom I'm still your little girl it's still me. Please trust me on this." Breathing steady, she looked up at me.
" Lily, honey please go upstairs. I am pretty sure you have homework." Turning over to my sister, I could tell by the way she walked that the conversation with her and me was far from over. That we would have this conversation sooner then later.
           Once she was out of hear shot, my mom continued.  " Prove it to me. Let me see." The hard truth that she refused to believe me hurt me so much. But I had no time to think about it right now.  My eyes dimmed red and my fangs peirced out.  A surge of power once again flowed through my body.
           " I have seen enough!" Mom shouted. Her eyes filling up with tears as she tried to sit down. Simon grabbed her hand gently, his tone was calm and collective. 
               " Let me help you-," mom's hand flew out of his grip fast. Her spinning away from him.  " Get off me! What you did to my baby! How could you? Why are u still in my house? You are no longer welcome here. "  Simon was stunned, I could tell.  
              " Mom, its not his fault! What he did was uncalled for. But he did it to save me. This was the only way!" I was mere inches away from her. My eyes glossed over in a cloak of tears.  Mom and I staring at each other.
                  " oh honey," was all she said as she then pulled me into a hug. I grabbed on and I let out a sob.  Finally I got to my mom. 
                   " You need to go. You are not welcome here." Slowly looking up at her, the love in her eyes was there but not fully, it was as if she was in a far away place.  I could not believe she would say something like this. I was hurt in so many ways. 
                      Packing up my things, it took no more then 20 minutes.  I assured simon to the door. But before I left I turned to mom. " Mom, just because I'm physically diffrent doesn't mean im not me. If you need me dont hesitate to let me know. "  Then simon and I slipped into the foggy and darkness night.

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