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Dear You,

          Today was supposed to be a good day. And it was for the most part. I slept through the whole night, which is rare for me. I thought my outfit was really cute, really comfortable, too. My morning classes were all relatively easy, nothing to stress over.

          Then it was time for Choir. I was looking forward to it. It's one of my only classes with my close friends, meaning it always calms my anxiety. It's one of my favorite classes. I can talk with my friends and sing the whole time. Nothing really important happened during class.

          It happened after.

          I usually wait at the bottom of the stairs for my best friend. I have lunch right after Choir, so it didn't matter if I was late or not. My best friend is a sophomore, as are you. The two of you used to be good friends, but then you just stopped talking I guess. She's in the "Elite" Choir for 10th grade and up, which is right after my Choir class. Obviously you are, too. Anyways, between classes is the only time we see each other all day besides the bus ride to and from school. So, when she came down we talked like usual.

          And then I saw you, walking down the hall towards the choir room. I kept glancing at you. I don't know if my friend noticed. She probably did. We met eyes once. It made me smile a bit more.

          After that the day was normal. I didn't have any homework from the morning, so I watched a movie on my laptop in study hall. It also didn't hurt that one of my favorite actors was it in. And Spanish is always fun. Then it was time for my last class of the day.

          I saw E when I was coming out of the stairwell. I'm assuming she has alternating classes on the second floor as I usually see her every other day. We barely talk because my class is literally twenty steps from the stairs.

          It was fine. But then you came from the connecting hallway. And you saw her. And there was this huge smile on your face. You walked right up to her and immediately started talking. Your shoulders were brushing against each other's. I couldn't tell if you were holding hands or not, but it definitely looked like it.

          You were right in front of me. Which was probably a good thing. That way you couldn't see look on my face fall.

          I know I said I wanted you to be happy, and I mean it. I have to admit that you looked  pretty adorable with a huge grin taking up half of your face. I just wish I was responsible for making you smile that big.

          I like seeing you smile.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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