Chapter Eight

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TW: Panic attack

Due to Roman's eager demands, Logan grudgingly made his way to the Village early morning of the next day. He walked along the paths and to Virgil's house, easily remembering the way. 

"Hey girl!" he heard the familiar voice of Remy, Virgil's neighbor, calling to him. 

"Hell, Remy. How are you this fine morning?" 

"I'm great. Hey, wanna stop by for a coffee? Black coffee just for you!" he purred. Logan smiled at this.

"No, thank you Remy. I am here on an errand. I am to bring Virgil to the castle. We are discussing future plans for him."

"Oh? The castle? What's the occasion?" Remy raised a brow in confusion. Logan supposed he was thinking back on his talk about future plans. For everyone, we had just talked about it in their home. Virgil will be the first to talk directly with King Roman about plans.

"King Roman wishes to make him a castle guard. He believes that he would be very good, due to his anxiety. I understand where they comes from but he just came a few weeks ago! It's absurd. Honestly."

"I don't knooooww, he's not too bad. Give 'em a chance, girl!" Logan huffed and nodded. "Cyaaaaa, and good luck!" 

"Thank you, Remy. Have a good day." Logan bid him farewell and left for the next house over. 

Logan knocked on Virgil's door. He heard shuffling behind the door and the door opened a crack. Virgil peaked out and smiled shyly, opening the door.

"Hi Logan. Do you want to come in?" 

"No thank you, Virgil. I'm actually here on Roman's request. He wishes to speak with you back at the castle. 

Virgil's heart started to race. Why am I needed at the castle? Did I do something wrong? Are they going to send me back to my world? 

"I- I. W- Why?" he muttered. Logan saw the fear in Virgil's eyes and he softened his gaze and shot him a small smile. It wasn't Virgil he was mad at. Virgil did not make the dumb decision.

"You are not in trouble, I promise. Roman would just like to discuss some matters with you, is all." Logan placed a gentle hand on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil flinched slightly but accepted the touch. Logan beckoned him to follow and so they left for the castle.

Virgil's anxiety had shot through the roof when they walked into the castle. Despite what Logan said about him not being in trouble, his anxiety was getting the better of him.

He probably just said that so you would come with him.

He'll probably be kicking you out after they figured out that you couldn't offer anything for this world.

You're just as useless here as your world. 

Virgil's breathing started to pick up and he began shaking. He tried to take deep breaths so that Logan wouldn't notice but he could feel a panic attack coming. Virgil felt a hand rest on his shoulder and he flinched violently. The hand immediately reeled back and instead, Logan went to counting. 

"Inhale for 4. Hold for 7. Exhale for 8. Virgil, can you do that for me please?" Virgil shakily nodded and began doing the 4, 7, 8 pattern with the help of Logan holding up his fingers as he counted.

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