Chapter 3 |Getting To Know You|

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As soon as I got home it was a good relief. Tomorrow was Friday and then after that we'd have a nice long weekend. When I got home I fell into bed, slipping off my shoes and stretching out my arms. The small thing that interrupted my little moment was a vibrating noise in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and saw that someone was calling me. I answered it already knowing that it was Shadow.

"Well it's only been an hour and you already missed me? " I teased. He sarcastically laughed and cleared his throat. "Well you're the only one who's talked to me all day at School, so why wouldn't I miss you just a little bit?" He asked. His responses were often pretty dry or dull. Not the most engaging in conversation, but I cut him some slack since he's new and we just met.

"Come on I really doubt that no one has talked to you all day" I said. "Seriously, just you" he replied

"Maybe try and smile every once in a while, it'll help you out a ton" I said laughing a bit.

But awkwardly he didn't respond and there was awkward silence for a little while. "Um.. So where did you transfer from again?" I asked trying to start a conversation

"What does it matter, it's not like I'd go back" he said.


Kinda wished that he didn't always have to ask me about something from my past. Making up lies on the spot and then trying to keep up with them can be difficult. So I turned the tables and asked him some questions about himself.

"So tell me more about yourself, I'm sure you've got a pretty interesting life.", I asked.

"Heh..not really, I mean I wake up in the morning and go to school, then come home to by siblings and mother" he replied.

"Father?" I asked.

"I never knew my father" he replied 5 seconds later.

"'re pretty lucky to still have a mother, it must be wonderful.", I said laying my head down on my pillow and looking out the window.

"Well I guess that's another thing we have in common...just one parent.", he said.

"Well sometimes it doesn't feel like it... Most times I just feel alone.", I replied.

"Why do you say that?", he asked.

I stayed silent for a good 10 seconds before replying. "It's nothing, I'll see you at school" I said and ended the phone call.

The things I would do to be normal like him. It probably feels wonderful for him to know that he doesn't have to live hundreds of years and that he'll eventually die at some point.

I know I'll die at some point too, but it probably won't be for a long time. I laid down for hours on my bed until I got a knock at my door. Without me answering, they walked in.

"You know I still haven't asked you, how was your first day of school?", My Father asked with a cheeky smile.

"It's funny that you even mention that...but it's not like it even matters, you've never cared for me anyways.", I said.

"Is this about your mother?", he asked.

"I wish that it was you who burned" I said, turning away from him.

He laughed and crossed his arms.

"Goodnight son....", he simply said and walked out.

He treats everything like a joke, he keeps teasing me with the thought of that dreaded crown.


I spent the last hour in my room doing homework. It sucked but it wasn't so bad, I enjoyed the serenity. Only wished that time could stop right when the sun sets. It's always a beautiful sight from my bedroom window. The park could be seen from here, along with the neighboring houses, and the trees look amazing from here.

I swear if I had the ability to stop time, I would stop it right here to keep the same visual image. Now I know that I could just take a picture, but it just wouldn't be the same as it is right now.


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