Ch.3|Ahh! Boon Nam!

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For a Thai Kpop idol, I like to keep things solo. The reason why I wanted to go solo then a group. It's sure it is hard especially when your just a teen that's 15. My name is Chai Son Hongkao but my stage name is Boon Nam. My father was apart of the Royal Thai Army. But later lost his life on a mission when I was younger. It was just my mother and me while my aunt puts more pressure on to her life by asking my mother to help her pay her house bills and basically became a leach on her.

My mother is too kind and can be easily manipulated. She would give most of her savings to others like homeless and save any barely for herself. I can't blame her though, she just wanted to help by an inch to get out of situations.

Growing up without a father figure was hard. I didn't know how I should have acted like a boy in school which caused me to get bullied. So things were tough but eventually, I found another person to be in love with when junior high came around. It was also a man who took part in the sub in our relationship. He was also my best friend ever since the beginning of my school life. He always enjoyed my covers of Thai songs and my other musical talents. 

It was until. . .

It was the beginning of freedom from school on a weekend. We wanted to spend time together before our exams came out and things get harder for us to be together. It was that one day though that changed it all.

Our lips were sealed as if it were meant to be. Hot breath filling the room as if it was a hot shower. It was getting intimidated and hands started to slip. Jeans started to buckle and I don't think I was comfortable.

"Wait for Prasong we're young!" I panicked when I felt his hand against my cock.

"You're a boy. You can't get pregnant," He had a wide grin as he hid two hands held my arms tight, "Relax and enjoy. I'll show you who's dominant tonight."

"I SAID STOP!" Already having enough of his touches I forced him off me. He looked confused and I took a few breaths in. All of a sudden he grew angry and tackled down on to me.

His dick was hanging in front of my face, it was disturbing. His arms held mine up as he shouted, "Don't you love me!? Don't you want this!?" He implied to all the jokes I made about making him happy with sex in the future. But I didn't know that he actually wanted it. I shooked my head as I saw the shook in his eyes and how angry he was. He suddenly punched my stomach as I remember it was like I heard all my ribs fracturing. Came out a loud gasp and later on my mouth was filled with his cock banging against my throat. I wanted to barf it out not at just the banging in my throat but of how he really showed himself to me. I never knew he was nice forceful, all along I always thought that Prasong was a gentle and sensitive human being but I was wrong. 

The memory was too hard to just let it phase through me. I remember the day after I slept over his house but I was on the floor quietly sobbing. I felt rapped and disgusted at myself being controlled by another man that I loved and understood what women sometimes go through. I never reported Prasong after we split apart but I did tell my mother and she took me out of school just to protect me. I never really trusted love after that but I know I grew closer to my mother. She worked countless hours as an underpaid waitress at a crapy restaurant. She was a great chef though but no one believed in her. I had to find a job but I was only in junior high at the time. Until it struck me when I saw a boy selling streets around the streets. I decided to take my breakfast or lunch and take it outside to sell to a person. I told my mother in advance since she quickly caught on and told me one day I should be a salesman or own my own restaurant that she can cook in.

I honestly listen to my mother too much that I take all my meals of the day just to sell. I was too determined to get that dream for her and forgot about my musical dream. It was not until I walked passed a T.V. store as it had a hit single pop band playing one of their hit covers. My eyes light up and remembered, idols can make a lot of money from their contract and I could make enough money faster for my mother. Then so I ran home to play the guitar and send in an audition to some companies to only get rejected a couple of times. It was just hard trying to get in, but when my time came I have forgotten. I had to leave for Korean and leave my mother all alone. 

When I told her the news she was happy and thought I can finally live a great life than being stuck here with her. It made me sad when she said that but made me even more determined. I was doing this all for the sake of my mother and I was going to work as hard as I could to get debuted. Every day It was like a competition for every boy in their trying to land a spot but it was nearly impossible. 

Then the test came for everyone in my group to be tested on how good our skills to be an idol will be. While passed with flying and positive feedback from the judges, I felt like I was going to cry out the ocean at that point. Back then I was probably 120 lbs but ever since I grew on a bunch of muscles and became 157 lbs I can see how much my body and mental health has changed. I felt exhausted 24/7 and every time I was away from my mother felt like hell.

But it was all worth it because I debuted as a solo artist after a year of training and became Boon Nam from there. Today I hear the crowd beg for my appearance anywhere I go and when my name went national I knew I was going to make my mother proud and give her a life to all the times she gave back.

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