BWC: "Love."

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"Wait, are you actually pregnant?" Alexander asks, lifting his head from the pillow. I laugh, shaking my head.

"No, but I wouldn't be surprised if I was after last night, this morning, this afternoon, this afternoon again, and just now. Why'd you just think about that?" I question. I joked around last night that I was pregnant and Alexander hadn't even spoke about it until now.

"Because... I've been thinking... and hear me out first. We should have like fifteen kids." Alex says, drawing random figures on my skin with his finger. I instantly laugh, rolling onto my stomach and looking at him. "What? Are you insane?"

"Hear me out!" Alex cries, sitting up with his hands out. I cross my own over my bare chest while I stare at him. "Please provide your powerpoint and essay."

"Well, I actually don't have any reasons. We just should. I love kids -- my kids. You love kids.. Let's have some kids." He shrugs and I laugh. He has officially lost his mind. 

"We have kids. What are we going to do with fifteen kids? Who is driving them? Exactly. We are not Jon and Kate."

"You're so mean to me. All I want to do is love you." Alexander whines, pulling me towards him. I shake my head while giving him a blank look. "And you want me to carry eleven more kids."

"I think I could get you to change your mind." I definitely agree that he will be able to -- especially when it involves the making the baby part. 

"I think not. Tell your brothers to have some kids." I say and he only pouts, poking his lower lip out. 

"You don't love me." He says, playfully pushing me off of him.

"If I didn't love you, I definitely would not be in Vegas with you right now." I retort. Who would have thought that I'd be eloping in Vegas. Definitely not me. It seems so surreal.

"Who do you think is going to have kids first? Anthony, Drew, or Chance?" Alex asks first and I immediately know the answer. 

"Definitely Anthony. He plays hookie way too much." I say, obvious expression is clear in my voice. 

"Aurora or Bella?" He asks again before slightly flinching.

"Ara doesn't want kids -- remember? She wants to be a surrogate. When a person says they don't want kids, they usually don't have them."  I say as I stare at Alexander's naked chest as he twirls a finger in a loose strand of my hair. 

"You have to have at least one child that was born without any complications." He say and look up towards him.

"In majority of cases, yes. A girl that went to the same clinic as me was a virgin before she became a surrogate." 

"Would you become a surrogate?" He questions. I shrug before answering. "For myself." Being pregnant with a child that I would eventually have to give to it's parents? After numerous sleepless nights, morning sickness, and going through all those body changes for a child I wouldn't keep. I don't think I could do it. 

"You know what I meant, idiot." He says, flicking at my ear. I flick his nipple in response and he covers both with his hands. 

"I think I'd get too attached."

"It's not your baby." He points out and I roll my eyes. 

"I'm carrying it for nine months. I have to prep my body in order for that child to sustain life." I say, thinking about it more. Yeah, that takes a very strong woman to do that.

"Still not your baby." Alexander repeats, flicking my nipple this time. 

"I'm going to smack the shit out of you." I threaten and he laughs, sitting up in the bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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