day xxv

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As requested by awsompandacat.

Deals with torture, mind control and non-con. Beware.


"So you don't know what happened to her?" Peter asked, a frown on her face. His eyes were on the girl he saw as a sister. Who he wished to protect, just like she wished to protect him.

Peter didn't know when they started to see each other as siblings. Maybe it was because they were the youngest (with the exception of Vision who was even younger, having been born two years before but being an android wasn't at the same category as them). There had been some kind of kinship there. But then they were kidnapped along with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. And seeing Wanda be tortured hurt worse than his own. Seeing someone he loved and care about begging for the pain to stop, that stuck with him. And then they were both raped. Something they shared together, strengthening their bond. Being away from her for too long scared him. He had so many fears about the doctor and the soldiers getting her back. He was scared of losing her. He didn't know what he would do if they took her back. He was scared of going back as well. It was not something one would get over so quickly. But he was working on getting past it. He didn't want what happened in those ten days to dictate how he lived his life.

But then Wanda collapsed. He had seen the footage of what happened, and it scared him. He saw her fall to her knees in pain. He saw how she cried as she gripped her head. How she fell unconscious just as Tony and Steve barged in. He saw the two 'fathers' try to wake her. Steve and Tony looked ready in tears as the former picked the girl. She laid limp in his arms, and if Peter didn't know better, he'd think she were dead. But she wasn't. Tony had x-rayed her and came up with nothing.

And it scared Peter even more.

Tony shook her head. "We have an x-ray of her head, and there is nothing there. I thought they put something in her head, but it came back clear. Maybe it's just her powers acting up."

Peter looked at Wanda, who let out a small moan. He squeezed her hand. "Wanda?"

Wanda opened he reyes and looked around the room, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Wh-what happened?" Wanda asked, turning to look at her father figures. Clint and Steve rushed to her sides, both looking tired with worry.

"You collapsed last night. Friday alerted us that you were in pain," Steve told the girl, sitting at the end of the bed. He placed his hand on her leg. Clint stood at her side, his hands crossed over his chest, his eyes on the girl. He seemed to be waiting for anything out of the ordinary.

Wanda looked even more confused than before. She blinked a few times, before looking at the super soldier's face. "I-I don't remember that."

Peter looked at the fathers (Tony included), frowning. Peter didn't think they could become even more worried, but they were.

"How are you feeling?" Clint questioned, his eyes on the girl.

"I feel fine. My hand is throbbing a bit," the girl replied, "but otherwise, I am fine."

Tony gave her a smile. "It's never going to heal if you keep using it."

Wanda smiled back.

Just for a second, Peter felt like everything was going to be okay. He just wished that second lasted longer.


"Are you sure you're up to it?" Natasha questioned, looking at the girl. The two teens had started to train, more so for self defense than missions. Natasha had taken it upon herself to teach them. But after Wanda collapsing, she hadn't been so sure that it was a great idea. But Wanda wanted to prove her wrong. She wanted to prove to everyone that she was okay and that she was still strong.

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