day xxxiii - part iii & day xxxiv

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Day XXXII - Part iii

Peter felt his world slow around him, watching Wanda drop to the ground, blood all over her back. The doctor stepped back, and then everything happened so quickly.

Peter ran to her, grabbing her hand, not wanting to move her too much. "Wanda, hold on, please, hold on. Please, for me!"

Tony was next to her, looking at her wound. Peter could feel his tears streaming down his face. He could hear him talking to F.R.I.D.A.Y., but he couldn't find it in himself to listen. He just stared at the girl, her hand in his.

Both teenagers were having a late night snack. They started talking about their parents, and how they were all dead. Their conversations shifted to Uncle Ben and Pietro.

"You got to say goodbye?" Wanda asked, looking at the younger teenager.

Peter nodded. "Yeah. Told me he was proud, and that he loved me. Took his last breath in my arms."

Wanda didn't respond. She just stared at the tea in her hands.

"Were you able to say goodbye to your brother?"

Wanda shook her head. "No. He was dead in seconds."

Peter watched, seeing how Wanda seemed lost in thought. "Do you want to talk about it?" Peter asked her, giving her his full attention.

Wanda looked him, surprised. He gave her an encouraging smile.

"I felt him die. The others, I never told them. But I felt the second he died. And I went after Ultron. I took out his heart like he took mine. I thought I was going to die in Sokovia. I was okay with it. I didn't want to live without him. If Vision never found me-"

Peter watched as she got lost in her thoughts. He slowly reached over and grabbed her hand. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. He gave her a smile, telling her he was there with her, that she wasn't alone and never would be. Wanda just leaned into him. Peter didn't say anything, just let them sit in silence, knowing she needed it.

"Wanda, please," Peter whispered, gripping her hand.

"Pete," she whispered, her eyes fluttering, weakly squeezing his hand. Peter felt relieved, knowing she was still fighting.

"I'm here," he told her, looking at Tony, who looked worried.

"She's losing a lot of blood. We need to get her out of here, now," Tony told the Avengers, turning to Vision.

The android nodded, picking the girl and flying away, Tony was right behind him. Peter turned to Steve and Natasha. He turned to the doctor, tensing up.

The doctor was smirking at them. "Will she survive? Does she want to? You should have just let her die like she asked."

Steve dropped his shield and stormed to the doctor. He dropped the evil man with a single punch. Steve then punched him, and then again, and again. Peter watched as Steve punched the man into the ground, blood flying everywhere.

"Steve," Natasha called out, but the super soldier didn't answer. He just continued punching until the doctor's face was unrecognizable.

"Peter," Natasha called, signaling for the Captain.

Peter shook his head. "Let him. He deserves this." The only thing in his mind was seeing Wanda in her own blood. Seeing the defeated look on her face. Begging for death. He, himself, wouldn't be able to kill the man, but he wasn't going to do anything to save him.

"Steve!" The man in question, snapped out of his rage. He blinked, before away. Peter watched as Natasha placed two fingers on the doctor's neck. "He's gone."

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