Say something about all the characters in Violetta

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Okay so
1- Violetta: Violetta is an amazing character. she is a beautiful girt who have the passion of singing dancing and playing piano she fell in love with Leon and one of the most popular girls in the studio
2- Leon: he is a total hot burger he's like the hottest person that ever existed on earth and he's an amazing boyfriend and I wish that I could have someone like him in my life
3- Diego: he's cute but he's never as hot as Leon
4- Francesca: I wish I had a friend like Francesca, a true friend that always wants. The better for you
5- Camilla: also a true friend she may frustrate sometimes but she's always there for you when you fall
6- Maxi: he is an awesome dancer and DJ, I also like it when he is in an awkward position like when he was talking to Naty in Violetta 2 when Naty started fighting with the boy for the chocolate and Maxi came and Naty was like "Maxi he's taller than you" the Maxi was like "oh no no no" lol
7- Ludmilla (also known as tarantula and supernova ): Ludmilla is with two faces but she always gets caught, Ludmilla has a big role in the series because she gives the mystery by her evil plans so....
8- Naty: Ludmilla's slave called my Violetta and the hole studio, Naty is Maxi's love interest, the only thing I like about Naty is her HAIR a-mazing
9- Federico: he is a cute brunette Italian dude he have beautiful wide eyes and cute language I really like him and he has a near place to my heart

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