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The clothes were all white.

Spare for the sneakers. They looked like Converse, but... yellow and shiny. It was weird.

Once you were dressed, you slowly opened the door that led into the hallway, careful not to make too much noise. If Dr. Goldberg and Preston were out there, having some deep conversation about matters that didn't concern you, you didn't want to interfere.

But when you stepped out into the hall (which was also extremely white) and glanced around (Christ, what was it with these people and their infatuation with white shit?), you found that it was empty. Completely empty. Silent, too.

You turned to the right and took a few steps. More silence.

You turned around and walked to the left, past your door, listening for any noises or voices that could help you find Dr. Preston. He had told you to meet him out here, after all.

And then you did hear a voice. It was so faint that you couldn't make out any of the words that they were saying—you had to get closer.

Several more steps down the hall and you could hear them. Behind a closed, white door, two men were talking. Dr. Goldberg and Preston.

Deliberately moving gingerly, you stepped nearer to the door until you were close enough to press your ear against it. The words became astonishingly clear—it was like you were in the room right there with them.

"...she must have felt something," said Dr. Goldberg. His voice was strained, like he was still crying. "Something like love. Or pity. She had to have cared for her—or for the Radio Demon, or else she wouldn't have done this."

"She didn't care about anyone, not even her husband—you know that. Babe, trust me when I say that somebody else Transferred her. The signature was forged."

"But I saw all of (Y/N)'s memories!" Dr. Goldberg whispered urgently. "The hellish deer creature cared about her too much to commit such an act. He loved her, darnit!"

"Maybe it wasn't him, specifically. Maybe it was someone else."

"Nobody else was there. You saw the memories, too."

"We don't know that for sure," Dr. Preston said calmly. "(Y/N) was in a very rough state. She couldn't even see what was happening around her. Her eyes were closed the entire time."

"I told you not to let me work this case. I can't handle tearing two lovers apart; I just don't have the heart for it," Dr. Goldberg whined. The choking sound of tears returned to his voice, stronger than before.


There was a pause. Your brain was already beginning to piece everything together, but you wanted to stay at the door. You wanted to hear what else the doctors of heaven had to say.

Dr. Preston began to speak again. "Maybe... maybe he did it because of love. Maybe he knew that she would be in a better place up here."

"So you're saying he gave up on their love? Because that's not what I think—"

"No, babe. He was giving in to their love. He was sacrificing his emotions for her safety," Dr. Preston explained. You understood immediately, even if Dr. Goldberg didn't. The thought burnt you to your core, squeezing your heart in an effort to make it explode. "I would do the same for you, so if that isn't love, then I don't know what is."

There was silence.

"I suppose you're right..." Dr. Goldberg trailed off.

You were sure that Dr. Preston had replied to Dr. Goldberg (who was probably his boyfriend, given the obvious evidence) but you didn't stay to hear what else they had to say.

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