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Current time : 8:36pm
Today was a very good day, all Friday's seem pretty good but this one was extra good. I even hit the volleyball in gym!!! I miss mommy though(she is gender fluid so the way I refer to her will change from mommy to daddy to ryry). Time change is such a meanie. Someday I hoe that mommy and I can be together all the time, we would cuddle so so so so so so much!!! Maybe we'll get an apartment next to kit and aaron, we could leave all of this behind us and live together forever maybe we could even start a biusness together, like a bakery's or an inn like In Gilmore girls! While it was a good day, it was also a tired day, I have ryry on my mind 24/7 and it's hard to be apart from them, especially when I slip into headspace at school, I can barley focus sometimes! I wonder what ryry is thinking right now? What if she's thinking of me?! Hehe, my phone is about to die but I'm too lazy to charge it. I want soup; my favorite is pea soup, I know other littles think peas are icky but I like them!!! Their good!! They are like little green balls of heaven, sam invited me to karaoke yesterday! But than she canceled..  I don't know.. maybe she doesn't like me anymore. I bet that's not it, she was so nice.. well she was kinda off today. I hope she's okay, I'm hoping I can get out of the house this weekend, maybe just do something, even if it's just walking around the thrift store, I hope ryry will take me to a thrift store someday OR TO BIULD A BEAR!! I WANNA GO TO BIULD A BEARRRRRR my mom stopped taking me a few years ago, I thing my mom and me have been drifting apart since I started transitioning into being male. Wow this has jumped around a lot, my mind does that. I'm think I wanna go meditate and go to bed till tomorrow, the sooner I got to bed the sooner i can wake up and see ryry!!! Bye my little astronauts, fly high and don't let anything stop y'all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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