The after party

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‘I wish I had a girlfriend’ Haruki said under his breath as the smoke came out of his lungs.

It had been a nice day, really. They had done their first professional photoshoot and, though a little embarrassed, he thought he looked pretty good in them. He was really excited for the band’s future, although he was a bit worried about Uenoyama and Mafuyu’s relationship.

‘Give me a puff, will ya?’ Akihiko’s voice caught him by surprise. He was so immerse in his thoughts that he did not hear the door behind him opening.

‘What? Did you run out or something?’ Haruki joked.

‘Come on, don’t be such a cheap’ Akihiko said as he took the cigarette from Haruki’s hands. ‘Did you have a good time today?’

‘Yeah, I think the photoshoot went great and…’

‘No, I meant at the party… It is your birthday after all.’

‘Well, I think we could have done without the pie in the face…’ he said with a scolding tone, making Akihiko smirk,’ but yeah, it was very nice. Thank you.’

Akihiko leaned his head on Haruki’s shoulder and let out a deep cloud of smoke.

‘You should enjoy yourself more, Haru,’ he said, making Haruki’s heart skip a beat at the use of the nickname. ‘You are always worried, trying to take care of us. You’re gonna star to get grey lines on that beautiful hair of yours.’

The drummer took a strand of Haruki’s long and silky hair between his fingers and started playing with it.

‘Well, somebody’s got to take care of you children.’ Haruki said, growing nervous over Akihiko’s closeness. How could he still have this effect on him after two years of playing together?

Akihiko turned to face the bass player, not letting go of the hair tangled between his fingers, and looked at him with a deep, pensive glance.

‘You should let someone take care of you, once in a while.’

His voice was deep. Deeper than Haruki had ever heard it before. And there was something different in it, something like a mixture between concern and… flirting?

Haruki was taken aback, and, not knowing what to respond, he took the cigarette back from Akihiko’s hand, gave it a final puff and headed inside.

The drummer scoffed and followed him. The two boys cleaned what was left of the party, Haruki store the chips and put the cake in the fridge as Akihiko threw the soda and beer cans at the table.

As Haruki was closing the fridge, he felt Aki’s strong body behind him, not touching him, but near enough so that he could feel his presence.

‘Can I stay here tonight?’ he said with a silky voice.

‘What?’ Haru said, trying to sound cocky ‘don’t tell me you’ve drank too much to drive.’

‘No,’ said the drummer, as he moved ever so close, ‘I just thought you shouldn’t spend the night of your birthday on your own.’

Haruki could hardly breathe. He didn’t dare move. He was aching to see Aki’s face, to decipher his intentions, but he was afraid that if he shifted his position, even just a little bit, the bubble would burst.

Akihiko moved a little closer and pressed his hands on Haruki’s hips.

‘So,’ he whispered in his ear, ‘can I stay?’

‘You don’t have to; you know…’ Haruki mumbled. He didn’t like the idea that Akihiko was doing this out of pitty.

‘I know, but I want to. Do you want me to?’

‘Y…yes’ Haru managed to say with the little air that was filling his lungs.

Akihiko buried his face in the bass player’s neck and kissed it softly as his hands surrounded his body and embraced him.

Suddenly, he grabbed him and force him to turn around and face him.

‘Will you let me take care of you tonight?’ Aki’s tone was getting cocky as well.

Haruki wanted to compete, he wanted to play hard to get, get off of the drummer’s embrace and toy with him a little. But his body wouldn’t move. Akihiko’s eyes had him pinned down. He had wanted him for so long, it felt impossible for this to be happening. Struggling to move, Haruki could barely manage a slight nod, and that was it.

Aki tightened his embrace and pressed his lips against the bass player’s. Haruki’s hands were at a loss, not knowing how to react. They finally decided to grab him by his strong neck and go through his short, spiky hair.

The kiss quickly went from soft to passionate. As their mouths moved in unison, Aki’s tongue found the bass player’s and played with it, giving Haruki goosebumps. They caressed each other’s backs as the kiss became more intense. Aki pulled away and took a strand of Haruki’s hair, just like he had done on the balcony.

‘You are so fucking pretty,’ he said as he kissed him again, eagerly.

When he couldn’t take it anymore, he took him by the shirt and threw him on the couch. Haruki’s cheeks were crimson and his breath was very agitated. Akihiko threw himself on top of him, like that time they came home drunk, but he didn’t fall asleep. Not in the slightest. He started kissing Haru’s neck, pressing his body against his band mate. Haruki could hardly keep himself from moaning. 

Anxious and eager, he brought Aki again to his mouth. He wanted to taste him, to lick every part of his mouth, and Aki obeyed. After a while, the drummer pulled away, took off his shirt and sat Haruki to take his off too.

Haruki took a second to look at Aki’s body. He was muscular and large; he could see the veins in his arms popping through his skin. He must have looked astonished, because Aki let out a loud laugh.

‘What?’ he asked, amused, while nipping his neck.

‘You are fucking hot.’

Haruki’s words were so serious that Akihiko couldn’t help but burst into laughter. It was just so out of character for the sweet, charming Haruki. Akihiko got off Haru as he tried to recover from laughing.

When he finally settled down, the two boys faced each other. Haruki’s long and silky hair has all over his face, and Akihiko tucked it behind his ear as he leaned in to kiss him again. And pressing his forehead against the bass player, he whispered: 

‘Happy birthday, Haru.’ 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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