Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Timber's POV

My head was killing me.

The first thing I registered as I flittered back to consciousness was the fact that I was not in a familiar place. I was near Shifters, that much I could tell. But, they weren't ones I had ever scented before. I did a mental check, making sure that I was free from any bindings. Slowly, I lifted my lashes to look around.

I jerked back.

A little girl, no more than eight, stared at me. She had thick, long lashes that framed her bright blue eyes. Long, blonde hair framed her heart-shaped face. "Hello," she chirped. I blinked, staring at her. "I'm Taylor, and you're like me, aren't you? We can be friends. I know this place really well, and my mommy can help you--"


The deep, husky voice sent shivers down my spine. I sat up, blinking at the amount of light. The doorway was blocked by a very large, very male person. I noticed his eyes first; they were bright blue, speckled with gold flecks. His brown hair framed his face, ending just after his chin. He was tall, tall enough to make me nervous. "Taylor, your mother is looking for you. She's in the kitchen. Go," he said, his voice gentle. Taylor flashed him a smile, and hurried past him.

Silence held for several moments as the man and I stared at each other. "You're awake," he said, and paused. I remained completely silent. "My name is James. You're in Montana. That's in--"

"America, I know," I said.

James, who ever he was, smiled slightly. "Yes, America. I'm the Alpha here, of the Mountain Bridge Pack. I am also the Pack Master of the Council of Shifters. Long title, I know. And you are Timber."

I took a shuddering breath, and nodded, eyeing him warily. I could sense it now, the amount of power swirling inside him. It was compressed tightly, carefully under wraps, but it was there. My wolf roused inside me, curious. Another Shifter, she rumbled. She wasn't too happy. She just wanted to go back to Bryn and the other wolves. "Yes. I am Timber," I told him.

"Your mother was Lainey."

It was said casually, but I growled, defensive. How did he know this? I slowly stood up, aware of my very little state of dress but not caring. "How did you know that?" I asked, eyes narrowing. He didn't need to talk about her. She was gone, dead. It was the past.

James stepped into the room, and I growled in warning. He held up his hands, calmly. "Relax, Timber. Lainey was someone I knew very well. You look just like her," he said, and I heard the touch of tenderness. I frowned. If he had known my mother, he must be old. Almost as if sensing my thoughts, he laughed, an amused grin on his face. "I'm eleven years younger than her. I was four when she was... banished. I am currently twenty nine years old," he told me.

Closer to my age then. Hesitantly, I took several steps towards him, curious of his power. "You are powerful, yes?" I asked softly. His eyes narrowed warily, but he nodded. "Show me," I demanded. He stiffened slightly. It wasn't too noticeable, but it was there.

"You do not order me," he warned.

I crossed my arms, letting my own power out. "Now," I snarled, compelling him. For a second, his legs buckled, but then, power flooded the room. I gasped as it plowed through me, and my own legs gave way. He was stronger than me. My wolf howled in anger. James strode over to me, glaring.

"This is what happens to those who try to order me around, Timber. Now, submit." The bastard. He was trying to do the same thing I did. I fought the compulsion, struggling to stay on my knees and not lay down like a bitch in heat. He growled, and a pulse of power hit me again. "Submit!" he snarled. I glared hard, snarling, even as my body fell to the ground on its own.

"Bastard!" I snarled out.

His breathing was harsh, and I realized he was struggling to keep his will on me. He was stronger than me sure, but I was close. If I fought hard enough, maybe I could get loose. I took a shuddering breath and let my wolf free. My wolf rushed forward, forcing me to the background. I wouldn't have any control, I thought numbly. I didn't care though. He was forcing me to do something I didn't want, and he would pay for it.

The first thing she did was Shift. Because I was so far from home, a place I knew I could Shift, my Wolf was more hesitant, making the Shift harder. James didn't have a chance to react, though. My Wolf, as her big Timber wolf self, slowly stood to her full height and howled. Through her eyes, I could see James. It was obvious that he was still using his power, but Wolf was the stronger one, while he was still human.


The door burst open, and Wolf instantly snarled, going into defensive mode. The person who came through was an older woman, perhaps twenty years James' senior. Her blue eyes looked at me, and they widened. "How did she...."

"Shift?" James finished.

The woman nodded, and Wolf snarled again, stalking forward. James moved abruptly, standing in front of her. "You will not go for my mother, Timber," he said, warning in his voice. Wolf growled, baring teeth. I wished I could tell him that it wasn't me, but Wolf that was doing it all. Stop it, Wolf. You can't hurt them. Wolf growled, this time at me.

I can. And I will. I'm in control here.

Wolf had always been wild, and dangerous, but she had never done something like this. I realized that by giving her control, she could do what she wanted. Within her, I struggled to gain back my body, but it was useless. James' eyes narrowed on me-- her. "It's not you, is it," he murmured, not in question, but as understanding.


The woman's voice was weak, and I realized she was scared. She wasn't as dominant as James, or as me, but she wasn't a submissive either; yet, I was the one who was scaring her into being submissive. "It's not her, Mama. Her Wolf has control," he said, emphasizing the words. His mother's gaze cleared, and I wondered exactly what had happened. Wolf snarled again, fur bristling.

His mother slowly stood straighter, not meeting my gaze. Wolf blinked, satisfied. She was the dominant of this woman. She swung her head to look at James, and bared his teeth. It was obvious it would be nearly impossible for him to submit, and the effort it took him was enormous. Yet, he did. He looked at my shoulder, head bowed slightly. Wolf's hold loosened on me, and she seemed content. I charged forward inside her, shoving past her control and seizing it for myself. She was not in control any longer, and she was furious.

I struggled against her, and quickly shifted. She couldn't be in control when I was a human. She wasn't strong enough. The shift hurt, mostly because she was trying to hold me, to keep me away from shifting. I bit at the threads she had on me, and she withdrew, admitting defeat. I managed the shift and shuddered, collapsing on the floor. Silence reigned, before I heard a soft shuffle coming towards me. I opened my eyes slowly, shamed. I couldn't look at his mother, who had come towards me. "Are you alright, Timber?" she questioned, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

I couldn't believe I had lost control of myself. Letting Timber in was stupid, but I had been so prideful; I hadn't wanted to admit I was weaker than James. "My name is Amanda, Timber. I'm James' mother. Come on, let's get you up and dressed," she said gently, seeming to understand something. Her hands were soft and cool against me as she helped get me off the floor. My legs were weak, and I coughed slightly. God, I was so sore. I peeked at Amanda, studying her more. Her hair was a light blonde, very pretty. Her eyes weren't just blue, but had flecks of brown in them. She was starting to show her age, with wrinkles around her eyes and mouth.

"You don't have to do this," I said softly.

Amanda drew back, staring at me. "Of course I do. You don't understand just how different you are, Timber. There is so much for us to tell you. You are not just a timber wolf. You are a girl born without a real bond to her wolf. You have no control; You and her are not the same," she said. I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Amanda looked saddened. She spoke quietly.

"Timber, you're basically a human possessed."

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