Harver and Elly: Cuddle

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There was a soft rap on the door, barely audible had she not been cleaning one of the book racks nearby. She had been hesitant in the beginning. There hadn't been a customer in months, and if so, why such an undetected greeting?
"Who's there?" Her voice bounced off the walls, undoubtedly reaching beyond the door, and yet she failed to receive a response. She moved to the door.

As her fingers reached for the cold knob, a shock of chill climbed up her neck. Who could it be beyond the door? People stopped going to the library ages ago. The cold metal of the knob seeped into her skin. She twisted it.


The misty streets of London stared upon her in mockery. Across the cobblestone road, was the backside of another building with nothing but a small metal door. There were no signs of anyone. She took a huge step back. As soon as she did, she collided into soft fur. It brushed the base of her neck and sent shivers up her spine. Heat emanated from the source of the fur. A scream clawed it's way up her throat. Whipping around gave her another shock. A beast, comparable to a wolf with fangs sticking on the sides, stood before her. It's bloodshot eyes locked onto her.

She screamed bloody murder.

For a second, she was caught up in confusion. The beast started laughing
in an all to familiar voice."You should have seen your face!" It sneered in amusement. She was not amused however.

"Harver!" Honestly, this man. She was this close to choking him. "Do you have any idea how scared I was?!"

He wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye, before shooting her a cheeky grin. "Relaaaax Elly. It's just a prank," he said. She knew she had to scold him at the very least, but his loopsided grin was so innocent and child-like, her anger dissipated immediately. Only he had the power to change her emotions with the flick of a hand- or in this case, a smile.

"Oh Harver," she sighed softly, "When will you learn?" She cut him off before he could answer. While his very existence made her heart flutter, he had a knack of fueling her rage.
"Well, since you're already here, I might as well serve the cookies I baked this morning."

He perked up, like a puppy excited for a new toy, eyes twinkling with excitement. "You baked cookies for me?" She found her cheeks burning a soft red at the excitement in his voice.
"W-well," she cursed herself for stuttering like a six year old, "I knew you were going to come and visit. I thought maybe you would like a nice treat. It wasn't that hard to make anyway." That was a lie. She had stayed up all night practicing, and spent the entirety of her morning making sure everything was perfect. Petty as it may seem, she wished to impress Harver, and if possible, enjoy the bliss of his compliments.

Instead, Harver wrapped his arms around her from behind in a sweet attempt of a teddy bear hug. He nuzzled his nose in the base of her neck, purring. His warm breath tickled her delicate skin.
"You're the best!" His lips grazed her nape, sending waves of pleasure over the patch of skin. She squirmed in her place. She tried to move to the front desk. His arms kept her locked in her place.


A few steps later and he appeared right before her. His featured were contorted in an expression she had rarely ever seen; seriousness. His ocean blue eyes pierced her very soul with such intensity she forgot to breath. A few strands of brown hair fell short over his eye. He leaned in closer, till their lips were centimeters apart.

"Say, Elly." As soon as he started, he pulled back with a light layer of blush coating his cheeks. Perhaps he didn't realize it, but on instinct, he scratched his neck. She thought he couldn't look more adorable. Red tainted his ears.
"Let's hang out tonight,"
This earned a raised brow. "We hang out every night'" she pointed out. He huffed a little in exasperation, but the burn in his cheeks remained. "Well there's this fancy restaurant uptown and I think we should try it out tonight. Or maybe we could ride a cruise, or maybe a ball, or maybe-" she hugged him, not in a friend kind of way, but he wouldn't know that. "Or maybe we could hang out at my place. I'll bring some snacks. We can make hot cocoa and lie down on the couch wrapped in blankets. Sound good?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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