Great Aunt Ingrid

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(Outfit she wears on the Isle^)

Esmeralda's POV

It was the same day and I was in my room, sketching in my sketchbook. I don't draw much, but I do enjoy doing it every one in a while.

My head snapped up when I heard a knock on my door and I hopped off my bed to answer it. I opened the door to reveal a sorrowful Carlos and I immediately got concerned.

"Hey Emmy." He greeted as he walked in and I shut the door. My eyes never left him due to his sadness and I quickly sat down on my bed with him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it sweetly, before lowering it down onto his lap.

"What's wrong, Carlos?" I asked him and he sighs.

"Mal's gone back to the Isle." He admitted and my heart sank to my stomach.

"What?" I croak out, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. "Why?"

He shrugs and shakes his head. "We aren't quite sure why, but Evie, Jay, Ben, and I are gonna find out. We're going there to bring her back."

I wanted to come. I wanted to help bring her back, she is one of my best friends.

"You can't come Emmy. It's too dangerous." Carlos tells me and I narrow my eyes at him. "I know you, Emmy."

I didn't bother arguing with Carlos, he has his reasons and the Isle is dangerous. Besides, my Great Aunt Ingrid lives there along with Prince Hans and
his son Holden.

"Fine." I agree and look in his eyes. "Don't get stuck there again. I can't loose you."

"I won't. I promise and if we need back-up, you'll be the first one we call, Emmy." He tells me and I smile at him as he places his hand on my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say and he brings me in for a sweet kiss. My arms wrap around his neck as he free hand grips my waist and he deepens the kiss. This kiss felt different, like it would be the last one we shared and that I wouldn't see him again.

I don't want to loose Carlos, I can't loose him. This trip to the Isle could be fatal.

We both pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each other.

"I'll be back, I promise. I don't know when, but I will." He softly tells me and kisses my nose before pulling away from me and we stand up. I lean up and tightly hug him and he wraps his arms around me tightly. Feeling his arms around me always causes my legs to turn into jello, he will always have that affect on me.

"Stay safe." I tell him, it was more of an order.

"I will." He says as we let each other go. "Always do."

I gave him a weak smile and he returns it. I'm worried, but what girlfriend wouldn't be worried about their boyfriend not possibly returning from a dangerous mission?

Carlos slowly leaves my grasp before opening the door. I can tell he did not want to leave but he had too.

"Bye, Emmy." He says and I gave him a tiny wave.

"Bye Carlos."

He reluctantly shuts the door and I felt tears fall from my eyes. I look out of my window and let out a shaky breath.

"Please return home. All of you."


It's been a few hours since Carlos, Evie, Jay, and Ben all left to retrieve Mal. Now that I'm thinking about it, I think Mal had a reason for returning to the Isle. She was stressed and she knew she didn't fit the 'typical' princess here at Auradon, but that's okay. Mal was perfect the way she is and so many people were telling her who to be and what to do; Mal changed to fit the Auradon stereotype.

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