Nightmare #1 The Beast

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Branches clawed at my face and arms as I weaved between the trees. Faster! I have to run faster! I had forgotten why I was running but I knew I couldn't stop, and I knew I wasn't running fast enough. The muscles in my legs screamed in protest as I pushed myself harder. It's going to catch up! I have to run faster! It began to get harder and harder to breath, but I couldn't stop, I couldn't rest or it would catch up. My breaths came out in small, short puffs of mist that hung for a few moments in the cold night air. The branches began to grow closer together. My heart stopped when a clawed branch grabbed my shirt and I had to stop to untangle it. No, no, no! It's getting closer! I could just barely hear the strong footsteps moving closer and closer behind me. This isn't going to work, I can't run fast enough! Suddenly my legs collapsed from under me, I fell and landed hard onto the forest floor. Crud! I thought as I attempted to scramble back up onto my feet. My legs refused to do as I asked and I collapsed again. The footsteps now seemed to make the trees tremble in fear as they got louder, I leaned against one of the trees and attempted to cover myself with the large leaves that littered the ground. Suddenly the footsteps stopped. Panicking I slipped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from breathing too loudly. I waited, listening to my heart thud against my ribcage like a bird wanting to be set free. Even if I wished to I couldn't have moved, my muscles had locked up, both in fear and exhaustion. Then the footsteps began to move again, slightly softer than before, as if they belonged to a creature that was stalking its prey. It's prey! I thought as I began to panic again. I'm its prey! It's going to freaking eat me! I'm going to die here, this dark forest is going to be my final resting place. Oh my god I don't even know where I really am! I could be in a totally different country! My family and my friends probably don't even know I'm about to die! Thinking this I watched as the beast finally emerged from the darkness of the forest. It snarled viciously as it stepped nearer, large teeth gleaming in the dim light. It's catlike eyes latched onto mine and I couldn't look away. The beast took another step towards me, leaves crunched beneath its paws. It's seen me! If I don't move it'll get me for sure! My legs refused to budge, my whole body still frozen, I was stuck watching the beast take another step. Move! Don't give up now! Move! Finally my muscles agreed to do what I was telling them and I stumbled to my feet. The creature paused, confused as to why it's exhausted prey would still fight. I took that moment to regain my footing and start running again. It's gonna recover quickly, I have to gain some ground. I ran as fast as my tired body would let me, trying to get as far away from the creature as possible. Not two minutes later and I could hear the monster begin to run after me again. There's no way I'm going to be able to outrun this thing. I've already been running forever. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Suddenly something flew into my side, causing me to crash to the ground, the beast appeared above me. It growled angrily, again showing it's sharp, before it pounced. It's claws dug deep into my skin and the world went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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