Chapter 1- beginnings

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The entrance exam was less than a year away. I was working a lot at Sweet Heaven, a bakery, and whenever I wasn't working I was training and studying. I was exiting the gym after training when I heard some yelling in the distance. It sounded like a villain attack. After Shiito, I always went to check on them. I didn't know why. It's not like I could help them. I still wanted to be there. I was walking at a fast pace and looking far ahead so I didn't see when I bumped into someone. I stumbled and turned around to apologize but I stopped when I saw who I bumped into.

It was a boy that looked around my age with heterochromatic hair that covered his eyes. His eyes were two separate colors as well but what made me stop was the look in his eyes. He wasn't even looking straight at me, like I didn't matter enough for him to actually divert his attention to me. I felt a shiver go down my spine when I saw his eyes. His gaze was so cold. He turned and looked in my direction.
"Watch where you're going." He turned back around and continued walking. His voice was so low and emotionless. I didn't know whether to be mad at him for being so impolite or to pity him. Maybe both. Jeez, what an asshole though. I stood there for a couple seconds before heading back towards the attack.
- – — – - – — – - – — – – – — – - – — – - The entrance exam was only two months away. I was still picking up any shift I could at the bakery. We needed the money and even though it wasn't enough, it was something. I looked up and smiled to the next approaching customer. He looked kind of familiar... perhaps I'd seen him on TV somewhere."Hello! Welcome to Sweet Heaven, how can I help you?" He didn't even spare me a glance and huffed out an order for one slice of jalapeño cheesecake. Even though the jalapeño cheesecake sounded weird and unappetizing it actually did taste pretty good. He looked up as he was paying and I finally realized why he looked familiar."You're the boy! The one that got attacked by the sludge villain, right?" I blurted out. Uh oh. He looked ticked off."Mind your own fucking business." he growled. Shit, oops. He mad."Right, I'm sorry." I averted my eyes, embarrassed, and handed him his slice of cake.
I remembered the incident very well. It wasn't long after Shiito died and Mother went to the hospital. I was nowhere near emotionally stable. I saw him struggling against the villain in front of a crowd of people. When I saw him I stopped. The need to help him, to save him, overwhelmed me. I don't know why but I started running towards him. It might've been because of Shiito, because I wasn't there to save him. I was running towards him when someone from the crowd yanked my arm back so I couldn't get any closer. I probably looked crazy, running towards a villain, barely holding back tears. I was screaming something but I don't think anybody was listening. Please. I needed to help him. I don't know why I didn't use my quirk instead of breaking down. It didn't matter in the end anyway. Some green-haired boy ran to save him and even though he didn't do much he still got farther than me. All Might came and saved the day. Like always. All Might was always there to save everyone. Where was he when Shiito was attacked? Why couldn't he save him?
I felt a surge of disappointment go through me when I saw him again, the blond boy from the attack. I couldn't save him. "I'm sorry." It didn't matter, he didn't even hear it. I thought he stopped for a second but I must've imagined it. I blinked away my tears and faced the register again. Next customer. I forced a smile. "Hello! Welcome to Sweet Heaven, how can I help you?"
- – — – - – — – - – — – – – — – - – — – -
Approximately a month until the Entrance Exam. Who knew studying was so hard and time consuming? I should've actually tried to study in school so I knew how to prepare for the written part of the test. I was going to the library yet again after a training session. My muscles ached and I wanted to go home but if I didn't study I wouldn't get into UA and I needed to get in. I got to the library and got my books ready before flopping down on a couch in a pretty secluded section. I usually went as deep into the library as I could because I tended to sing to myself sometimes. When I sang people couldn't focus on anything else, it was a part of my quirk. After a couple of minutes I closed my book and sighed to myself. I wanted to go to home and to sleep. I start singing to myself again, a song called 'I don't wanna fall in love'. It was slow and pretty and I liked to sing it. I opened my eyes and they immediately landed on someone. The boy that was sleeping by his books when I arrived. He was staring at me. Darn. I must've woken him up when he heard me singing. He looked away when he noticed that I had seen him staring at me, a light blush coating his cheeks.
Wait a second. Wasn't that the green-haired boy who had made a stupid attempt to save the other kid who was attacked?
I cleared my throat. "Uh, sorry. Didn't notice anyone else here."
He looked very taken back that I spoke to him and squeaked out something that sounded like "it's fine."
I looked back down to my books and picked up my pencil. Right. Studying. I glanced up to the green-haired boy who was trying and failing to hide that he was staring at me again. Okay. Okay. Open books. Study. I looked back down and tried to focus but I ended up falling asleep. After many failed attempts at studying I headed home to get some sleep and by then the green-haired boy had already left.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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