Ease Up

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You know that person at church? The one with the perfect family, the perfect mate and the perfect van. The one who is always on time? The one who has four kids with immaculately clean faces and smiles constantly like parenting is the easiest thing in the world? The one who volunteers a gazillion hours a week and never looks tired or hurried? Remember that time you were actually having a great week and that person showed up at your house with cookies because they thought you looked “rough” at bible study that morning?

It may surprise you to know that person’s life isn’t perfect.

It may surprise you to know that God loves that person.

Maybe you could to?

You know that person at work? The one who is in constant violation of the world standard for personal hygiene? The one who only talks to certain people by the water cooler and if you walk up the conversation dies? The one who is on your sales team, but is always handing in their reports late and bringing down the whole group’s performance rating? Remember that time you were breaking all the records and you heard them mutter under their breath that the only reason you were being successful was because you were the boss’ favourite?

It may surprise you to know that person is lonely and afraid.

It may surprise you to know that God loves that person.

Maybe you could to?

You know that person in your family? The one who shares way too many things in conversation and online? The one who tells everyone their own kids are the cutest, and who always takes the biggest pork chop at the family barbecue. The one who fought the longest and the hardest for your grandfather’s golf clubs after he died even though they’ve never played a golf game in their life? Remember that time when you shared a struggle you were going through and they immediately proceeded to share your secret with everyone else they spoke to that day?

It may surprise you to know that person is hurt and lost.

It may surprise you to know that God loves that person.

Maybe you could to?

You know that person in the mirror? The one who is too critical about all the wrong things and is constantly nagging you to do better. The one who is never satisfied with anything you have ever done, no matter how big a deal, because it wasn’t up to par in their books. The one who points out flaws even when there aren’t any, finds wrinkles on flawless skin, and circles life mistakes in your memory with a big red permanent magical marker so they never fade? Remember that time you were accepted into an amazing school, only to be immediately reminded that you had been rejected by your first choice?

It may surprise you to know that person just wants to be loved.

It may surprise you to know that God loves that person.

Maybe you could to?

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