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It's the first school day of senior school.  Yay for friends and boo for school. Yes, I was one of the top students back in junior year but I have absolutely no idea what senior year holds for me and I do hope that it's a great year.  As it is  I'm already torn between art and science class.  I had four months to think this through but still even though I have come to a decision of  going to science class,  I can't stop feeling drawn to art class.
      Pushing those thoughts aside, I scan through the crowded assembly ground and search for my best friend Stella. We had seen each other yesterday when all boarders resumed but still the excitement and all of the gossip is still not over with.
      I spot her talking to a group of friends in a far corner under the little shade available as shelter from the scorching heat of the sun. I walk over saying polite hi-s and hellos to the group while pulling her and asking her to tell me how her four month holiday went.
    Don't think I don't like the people she was talking to, they're my friends too.... Well more like classmates but still it's not like they are snobby b***hes who love teasing people who they considered to "not be their type".
      "Earth to Precious,  what are you thinking?" Stella asks before I can think anymore curse words. 
     "Uh...  It's nothing", I say shrugging.
     "Oh no you don't,  you don't get to drag me out from my conversation with friends, ask me to tell you how my holiday went, get lost in your own thoughts and then tell me it's nothing." She complains.
      Allow me introduce my bestfriend to you properly. Her name is Stella.  She's a drama queen(one of the best you'll ever find). She is very skinny, not anorexic she eats a lot but just refuses to grow fatter, just like me except I have a little more flesh than she does and I'm more curvy than she is all thanks to puberty who decided to favor me. She's fair (spotless skin), tall, she's got a couple of inches off me and she uses glasses.  She's your typical nerd description except she doesn't bury herself in books all the time and actually starts really great conversations not the ones that make you want crawl in a hole and  die. She complains a lot almost like life never works works in her favor and lastly she has these weird crushes on cute and not so cute guys.  Which is really weird as she never tries to act on it and will kill you if you try to help. But hey, crushes are meant to be secret.....  Right? 🤔....  Plus she's a weirdo anyway.
      Just as i'm about to explain myself there is a sudden pin drop silence and I look towards the podium to spot the XO( deputy commandant)  of our school.
Yep, I'm in a freaking military school one if my plentiful reasons for hating this school especially since I have no intention of joining the military.
    "Good morning students ", he says and all students reply cheerfully he's the only deputy commandant I know who students are happy to have around every other person have  been hated by we students as much as they hate us. Most students warm up to him because unlike others he loves parties and actually does every thing moderately. It's no secret though that most senior finalist have a huge crush on this handsome hunk.
Okay ignore that, I'm just stating the obvious i'm not crushing on him.
"Good morning students welcome back from your holiday.  This term.... "He gives his speech while I keep nudging Stella to continue the story of  her and her newly acquired crush.
  "Gosh,  he's sooooooo handeome",  Stella says and I help wipe the imaginary drool off her face.  She hits me and continues, " just when I was thinking tailoring class could never be interesting".
" It's not", I shrug , " just the dude you keep admiring".
Unlike Stella's, my holiday was full of boring computer lessons and baking lessons that were slightly less boring. I didn't see any cute boys or have lots of people to discuss with.  I did have issues with my cousin that well changed a lot of things between us and created a gap that might never be closed but that story's for later.
    "Whatever, you're just jealous you didn't meet any cute guys",  she smirks.
"How on earth are you my bestfriend?"
"Bitch, you are lucky to have me as a bestfriend.  Without me your life would be as boring as ever and you know it. "
"Yeah, cause having huge crushes on three weirdos you somehow find cute brings fun into my life", I roll my eyes.
"Three? "
"Stanley, Abuchi and now this weird Tosin guy. "
"Tolu", she corrects me, " plus Abuchi is history and Stanley is well.... A jerk".
"Tell that to me when your drooling over that short freak and the boyfriend of Aisha. Remember what happened when your crush on Abuchi became public last year? ".
"Oh no", she groans and I smirk.  

Last year was our junior finalist year and well Stella had a crush on the boyfriend of Aisha Haruna. One of the popular 'chic's of the school as they are mostly called. The secret this crush got out and well things got really nasty for Stella. She kept getting teased for it by both male and female students of the school.
  Gosh the boys in our school are soooo mature..... (Eye rolls).
   Stanley came into the picture during our BECE examinations and well the same thing happened except Stella wasn't teased as much since Stanley wasn't popular. Fun fact both of them were her seat partners for the examination.
    Stanley turned to be a jerk and Abuchi and Stella became good friends............... Oddly🤔
    "Don't tell me you're thinking about it."
    "OK. I won't."
   "Have you seen Ife and Ore? ", I ask and Stella shakes her head.
    "Stella and I are bestfriends but not all our friends are mutual. For example,  it's no secret Stella and Ife don't like themselves. Not saying they hate their selves but they definitely will not be found talking to each other. Ore might be seen talking to Stella but not all the time.
    "Okay",  I say and march out of the assembly ground. Well more like dragged my feet but hey the band was playing wasn't it.
For the record I have no idea what information was passed to us but not of it is ever really useful anyway.
    I walk into my classroom and sit on a chair that is close to the window, not that I like sitting by the window as a matter of fact I hate it so much because the sun rays hit me directly and burn me.....  Well internally,  but because it's the first day of the session and I wasn't enough to grab a seat for myself and the two people I would have wanted to seat with me. So, I just have to manage with two people I don't think I have ever spoken too before. Well they seem nice.
     I sit down and bring out a novel. It's the first day no teacher ever comes to class well except the ones who think they are doing us some kind of favour. But I'm pretty sure no one is coming to the SS1 block because we haven't done our career week.
Well it's the first week of school where all senior school begginers gave a series of boring seminars and go for some dumbass "excursion" to help decide what course we really want to study and then we go to either the art, science or commercial classes.
   There's a lot of noise around me but the novel I'm reading is captivating so it doesn't take much time for me to zone out of the classroom and into the novel.
Just as I said no teacher came in and it's already 10a.m and now we are being asked to move to the hall for day 1 of our career week.
I walk over to Stella's class and we go to the hall together. The gist never seems to end with this girl so why not have her as company through this boring ass day.
     Stella and I plan to celebrate our best friend anniversary by getting something for herself and let me tell you I have no idea what to get her. It's been 3 years since we became bestfriends and the friendship us still strong as ever.
Just as I'm about to smile to myself the teacher in charge speaks and instead of a smile I groan.

This is going to be one hell if a senior year.

Holla mis amigos.... Hope that makes sense🙈?  Thank you for reading Not A Fairytale. It means so much to me. Please vote,  comment and share.  Just so you know I can't remember every detail of my secondary school life.  It's been a year since I graduated so technically it's been four years since this chapter  which only makes it fair enough to improvise in some scenes I can't remember. Also the book will strictly be in one person's POV except where I  happen to know what the other person(s) was thinking as I said before updates will be as frequent as I can  make it please don't rush me and don't forget to  check my other book Returning To His Love if you aren't already reading it. I'll also update that as soon as I can. I love y'all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. If you didn't.... sigh.....  It's only chapter 1,  I promise it gets better. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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