Chapter 1

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Y/n's Pov

I just finished stabbing someone 37 times in the chest. I look at the body thinking of other things to do.

Hmm oh, I got it.

I chop off his hands and cook them and feed them to a llama that was watching me murder someone.

Me: Hmmm I'll name you Carl. Go, Carl! Use my teaching and murder more people!

I wipe all the blood off of me and leave. I start to explore the streets observing everyone and everything around me.

...I don't normally murder people but when I saw that guy I knew I just had to kill him.

I noticed a very hot girl.

I noticed a very hot girl

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Wow, she is hot...

I stare at her for a bit before she noticed me and waved at me. I waved at her before taking one step forward before I went unconscious.

No One's Pov

Y/n hears a voice and someone tapping her cheek.

???: Wake up.

Y/n rubs her eyes before opening to see the girl from before looking at her.

Y/n: Uh...hi?

???: Hi.

Y/n: ...Um...what happened?

???: Well you died, just like me.

Y/n: And you are? And how?

???: Oh. I am Aran and well you died from getting run over by a car.

Aran helps Y/n up.

Y/n: How did you die?

Aran: Um...I really don't want to say it's kinda embarrassing.

???: No it's not.

Y/n looks to see a blue-haired woman.

Y/n: How did she die?

???: From a murdering Llama that was called Carl.

Y/n(Mind):  Huh.

Y/n: Who are you? You look useless.

???: I am not useless! I am a goddess!

Y/n: Goddess or not you still look useless.

???: My name is Aqua! I'm a goddess who guides humans who die young to the afterlife! I am not useless!

Y/n: That reminds to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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