Hyung - Minho & Seungmin

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Seungmin's POV

" Woah ! Look at him! " Jeongin gasps as he sees a stranger dancing in the practice room.

Seungmin peeks at the door, curious of what might have made his friend react this way. Inside the room was a boy, he wasn't sure if he was older or about the same age as him. He was dancing. To Seungmin, the sight felt ethereal. The dancer was so engrossed into his routine that he hasn't noticed the other trainees stopping by to look at him. His movements were graceful and natural despite the song being an upbeat tune.

" Is he new? I have never seen him around! " Jeongin asked, seemingly mesmerised by the stranger's performance as well.

" I have no idea, Jeongin-ah. " Seungmin answered, still in a daze. Suddenly, the boy in the practice room had stopped dancing and all other trainees who were looking at him scattered in a hurry. Seungmin was stuck there and as his eyes met with the stranger's, his breath was cut short. I need to think of something to say, quick. " Hi! Are you a new trainee? " not the smoothest introduction but still better than a stuttering mess.

" Hi! Yeah, that's right. And you are? " The stranger asked, raising an eyebrow. He looked slightly amused by the fact that the boy has been staring at his dancing.

" I'm a trainee here too, " he answered. " Oh! My name is Kim Seungmin. "

" I'm Lee Minho, " he smiled softly, introducing himself.

Later Seungmin discovered that he was 2 years younger than the new recruit at JYP Entertainment, but he wasn't used to being under training. Since Jeongin was too shy to hang out with the 'mysterious new trainee' called Lee Minho, Seungmin hanged out with him the most, getting him used to their hectic program. Soon enough, Chan noticed the new boy and not a month had past that Minho had become a member of their self formed group.

Only praise could be heard about him in the group. Chan was amazed by his dancing skills, as well as Hyunjin who was drawn by his moves. Jisung still couldn't process the fact that someone more handsome than himself could exist, hence he has stopped acting cocky about his looks after Minho has joined the circle. Felix instantly became close to him and Minho kindly helped him with korean when needed. Other members were more quiet but appreciated the new addition.

Seungmin as well, although he wouldn't say it out loud, really appreciated Minho's presence. Little did he know that his feelings had already started to evolve, not into something like a brotherly love for a close Hyung but something more.


Year 2019,

Seungmin has sorted out his feelings which he kept denying for almost 2 years. Admitting them was one thing but accepting them was another, and the young boy was lost.

" Seungmin-ah! We're going out for diner! " Bang Chan called out. As he didn't get an answer he went ahead and walked over to where his dongsaeng was. The young one wasn't listening to music or anything but it seems he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings. " Seungmin-ah? " still no reaction from the self called Dandy boy. " Hey. You okay mate? " the leader finally asked while placing his hand on the younger's shoulder, hoping the change in language and the physical contact would stir some kind of reaction.

" Oh! " Seungmin let out, jolting to the touch. " Yeah, I'm fine. " He answered in english with a smile, trying to reassure the leader, seeing the worried look on his face. He then stood up and followed Chan and the others outside, climbing up in their van.

He kept quiet for most of the ride, he was glad they weren't filming today as he felt like he needed some time away from the cameras, although he didn't usually act on camera but he didn't want to show a weak side to his fans either. Seungmin really had a lot in his mind. For one, his priority was to do his best as a Stray Kids, for his band mates, for Stays, and also for himself, because he, as well as the other members, really cherish their team. That alone implied putting his time into practice dancing, singing and even working on his expressions. Then he needed to keep up his good grades and graduate successfully from his school, although he was already a top student, he couldn't let that change. Seungmin was very diligent with everything he was doing and his feelings towards his group mate seemed to be coming against all his efforts to become 'perfect'.

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