Chapter 1

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I don't know, maybe i will go through my subconscious and live a dejá vu every day that i can't tolerate, my words are no longer as important as they were before, no one seems to care anymore.

This intrigues me, I can't stop thinking that I had already experienced this and it can only be repeated again and again, this hurts me.

I know nobody cares about my feelings.

The most painful of my day is finding the sad side of a reunion. That encounter that I thought would be the most beautiful and important, but only distracted me all day remembering the mistakes i made.

It hurts to know that sometimes i can be smiling but dying inside.

Wuao!! What a wish to expect something that you know will never happen, but try, and even though you thought you would be prepared, as if you already knew the result.

But... you were never prepared, you could only say what would happen as if you could know or control your reaction.

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