Continent Cyprus

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The 3 billion square mile continent of Cyprus is a deep, rolling forest set 27,000 feet above sea level. The mist, cold weather and regular rain fall plays host to a variety of colorful creatures and exotic vegetation. The people and dragons who inhabit this land often build thier homes high in the Redwood trees that blanket the landscape. The hightech research facility Cyprus Weather Research, is also located here.

The Story

After a long, grueling expedition to the most dense section of Cyprus, your research team are all looking forward to going home. You've kept in touch with home via video chats and letters, and are looking forward to seeing your mate again. As you and your team prepare to leave your station, your insturments pick up the largest hurricane ever seen. And it's headed straight for you.

1. Town of Fortree

2. Fortree Weather Research

3. Nolvia Forestry Research

4. Mist Rise Forest

5. Transformed Forest

6. Town of Malo

7. Malo Biology Research Center

8. Cyprus Coast

9. Town of Omron

10. Omron Weather Research

11. Mystic Lake

12. Peanut Swamp

13. Great Redwood Forest.

14. Cyprus Weather Research Center.

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