Chapter ten: get ready for the fight

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‘now listen carefully’ Suresh said ‘as you assumed the spirits that showed you the way was the good one because you would get caught if had gone that way but the spirits who are inside, they are the protectors of the amulet, you have to fight your way to the get the key but way can lead you to state into museum and there could be many kinds of ghost and demons. So, there are some weapons. The metal is “Panchdhatu” a mix of five different metals. Deadly to demons and can make spirits retreat’ now Aditya and Rajveer were both dazed. One after one, Suresh was proving erroneous, every aspect of reality which they used to know.
‘wait, wh..what’ Aditya’s voice quavered ‘demons I don’t understand’
‘demons are like creatures’ Suresh said simply ‘they are neither ghosts nor animals. They are kind of different spices. I think that you will find at least one of them in that tunnel. So, these’
‘but what kind of demons’ Aditya demanded
‘demons such as Daiyans kind of female witches they suck one’s age to stay young and immortal, Churails, Chalawa, Muhnochwa etc. you know details already’
‘and we can kill Chudail with these’ Aditya asked stunned.
‘yes’ Suresh nodded
‘do you kill any demon with these?’
‘no!’ Suresh chuckled ‘but our ancestors did. You know there is not much wild left, where demons used to live. They are on extinction’ he turned serious again ‘but not extinct. Some of them still creep in dark and deserted places, waiting for prey’
A chill ran through Rajveer’s spine and wake him out of his daze with a shiver.
‘so, pick your weapons’ Suresh offered.
Rajveer shared a glance with Aditya ‘okay’ Rajveer exhaled and picked the Kattar first. It was an exact fit like it had specially made for him. he examined the blade which was really sharp like recently sharped which make Rajveer wondering that how could a blade that old could be in this good shape.
‘it doesn’t seem too old’
‘it is, maybe four or five centuries old’ Suresh raised his eyebrows with a grin on his face
Then Rajveer picked the shield. It was plane no design on it which was the reason Rajveer had chose it, it was simple and beautiful. Rajveer turned it there were two leather straps attached. Once again awesome fitting. Now in his right hand was his shield and in left was a one feet long dagger which was looking like emerging state from his knuckles. In starting its spread was almost about Rajveer’s three knuckles. Rajveer showed his looks to Aditya while holding his Kattar close to his chest. ‘nice’ Aditya gave a half hatred smile he was still having a problem in letting that stuff sink in his mind. Suresh gestured him to pick weapons and he picked the short sword and fetched it out of its bronze embossed scabbard, it had about 2 feet long blade and a T shaped handle, he handed it in one hand and picked the Chakram. Just by holding them a warm sensation was running in Aditya’s body. What left was the axe which they decided to give Sidharth.
‘put all this in your bag’ Suresh instructed ‘and keep in mind what I told you. Okay?’
Aditya and Rajveer nodded.
‘and Rajveer how is your injuries? We can go to the doctor if you want’
‘it's fine just some bruises’ Rajveer lied. Though the pain was not much but that was not bruising.
Then they wanted to go but Suresh makes them stay till evening. They took bath while Suresh’s wife washed their clothes and dried them. Till noon they were having lunch with Suresh’s family and also looking very much like a family because Rajveer and Aditya both were wearing Suresh’s spare white kurta pyjamas. So, all three were looking like real brothers. After lunch, Rajveer told them that he is fine and they should sneak in the tunnel tonight because it will be hard for him to convince his mother for another night out and they agreed. Then Suresh gave them another bag and some packed food (biscuits, cake, chocolates and chips) and two large water bottles in case they struck there. Matchboxes if they needed light or fire. First aid kit with bandages and all. And then divided the stuff in both bags if they ever got apart. Sidharth’s axe was in Aditya’s bag and the rope which they brought in Rajveer’s bag was still in his bag so both bags weight was equal. Suresh was taking care of every possible danger and trying to comfort their adventure as much as he could. Even Aditya was stunned to see Suresh’s planning and organizing skills. Then they called Sidharth and told him to get ready at 10 pm. Even in possession, he sounds happy about going tonight. Then at night they put their freshly washed clothes on, slung their bags on, Suresh remind them there plan once again then they said goodbye to their host, thanked him and got out of the home. As soon they stepped outside a feeling of dread washed over them and they realized that sometime knowledge could really make the situation worse. This feeling was even worse than they felt when they were going to steal the key from the museum because that time, they had no idea whom they are going to face but now when they did the idea of going state in the lair of a monster seemed to be real nonsense. But as Suresh had said they had no choice. Even if they backed off now, Mantrik will find another way to get the amulet and if he did then no one will be safe. Besides, it seemed like “Lord Brahma” the writer of everyone’s fate, himself selected them of this cause. Suresh was right It could be no incidence that Aditya reborn again at the same time and in the same family and also Mantrik found his friend for his work. something big and fishy is on, that even gods had to set up a plan to stop this. Then again first time in their life they were feeling so special, like heroes though if they died in that tunnel nobody was going to praise them but it was enough for them, there could be no such motivation then saving the world. They remembered their loved ones, parents, girlfriends and brother and sisters and with all this motivation they started their car and went to pick Sidharth. on the way, Rajveer called Pakhi and tried to lie to her that they are safe and everything is fine ‘what had happened?’ Pakhi asked ‘you are holding back something’
‘no, everything is fine we are going home’ Rajveer tried again but Pakhi caught him with her superpower to feel whenever something wrong happened to Rajveer.
‘you can’t lie to me, Mr. Rajveer Singh! Tell me what is going on’
Rajveer told her that they are again going in that tunnel and what happened in the tunnel.
‘you have wounded knees and you again going in that tomb!’ she scolded ‘have you lost it, you are not going there again’
‘Pakhi’ Rajveer tried to speak but she was too furious. She was not giving any chance to Rajveer to speak.
‘no, I said you are not going there and that’s final..’
Rajveer cut down the line and put his mobile on aeroplane mode.
Aditya glanced at him.
‘she will be fine when we will come back. Besides if I had waited a little bit more, she will have given me her swear.’ Rajveer said calmly. After listening to Rajveer and Pakhi. He told Rajveer to drive so he could call Elina. The conversation was nothing much they asked each other, what they were doing and whether they had eaten something and not and just like that conversation was over. Till then they had reached the colony they called Sidharth and told him to come out of their street. They picked Sidharth who was looking the same. Same as he got out of the tunnel. Scattered hires, dirty clothes, even his face was not looking washed. But they didn’t bring that up because if things go well, Sidharth didn’t need to be told for his personal hygiene till tomorrow. Sidharth didn’t even said hello to his friends he was sitting backside as silent as ever. Soon they reached their destination. On the last time, they told Sidharth that Suresh had told them that there could be a demon in that tunnel and they showed him the weapon. as they opened the bag, Sidharth saw the weapons and winched. Then he got normal as if Mantrik inside remembered that he was not there. Aditya closed his bag and went out. He checked the surrounding and called his friends they all got out and as they did last time, climbed on the roof of the car grabbed the spiky railing and jumped to the other side. Then they went state toward the room from they had entered in the tunnel last time. They were wondering if someone had founded the way because they had left the tunnel entrance open. Then they entered the room and the door again closed slammed shut as if it was some kind of tradition. Although they were prepared this time still this made them flinch. They lighted the entrance with their flashlight it was sealed like if never been opened. They decided either someone had closed it or it had closed with magic in the same way their exit was disappeared. Aditya opened his bag and gave Sidharth his battle axe halfheartedly. He knows in a matter of seconds, the weapon which supposed to protect them could be life threatening too, if Mantrik changed his mind and decided to kill them. In the meantime, Rajveer had also pulled his weapons out of his bag his Kattar and shield, he slung his bag on his shoulders and got ready. While his hoodie was on, In the white light their mobile, he was looking like an assassin. On the other side Aditya was holding his weapons in both hands which he doesn’t look happy about ‘Rajveer’ Aditya said ‘please do something, like this I can’t even kill a goat not less any demon’ he was right they do not even know how to use them and if they got attacked, holding weapons in both hands would be the same as no weapon at all for him. Rajveer took his weapons, thought for a minute and told him to wear his bag’s both straps like a seat belt. He did and Rajveer handed him his chakram and put his sword in his bag leaving the hilt outside and arranged its zips in the middle. ‘now you can easily take out your sword whenever you needed and also you sheath will stay safe in your bag’ Rajveer smiled proudly. Now all of them were ready. Rajveer pulled his Kattar in the space between the tiles, Aditya his chakram and together they opened the entrance.

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