Chapter 14

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Thank you for the lovely comments I have loved writing about jake and Louise and I love the fact people enjoy reading about them

Enjoy x

Chapter 14

Katie stood propped in the doorway of the kitchen her eyes glued to the hunched shoulders of the man sat under the shade of the patio umbrella.

Warm hands sliding around her waist alerted her to the presence of her husband Leo "I don't know what's wrong with him, he just came home took a six pack of beer and sat out there he didn't say a word, go talk to him Please"

Leo generally took the stand point that his brother was big enough to run his own life but even he had to admit that the usual happy go lucky attitude his brother usually adopted was missing "okay I'll go talk to him" he complied giving her waist a squeeze he knew he was the luckiest man alive having her as his wife gently he placed a kiss on her luscious lips before leaving her at the door and towards his troubled brother.

Jake sat gazing over the ranch that held most of his childhood memories how had he messed things up so royally? Just when him and Louise had started getting somewhere and like a fool he let his frustrating need get the better of him where had his legendary finesse with women disappeared to? a small irritating voice in the back of his mind told him it was because Louise was different from the air headed bimbos he was used to having on his arm.

"hey man can you spare one" jake tensed he really didn't want the company but he knew no matter what his brother always had his back.

Jake popped a can free and handed it to Leo who sank into the chair alongside his "why are women so damn difficult?", Leo smiled at the question that had plagued man since the dawn of time "you want to share what's got my wife worried?" Leo knew where to tread and when not to push Jake would tell him if he needed to.

"hell things were going great Leo we were bonding and she was beginning to trust me then as usual when were together the low burn started between us causing things to get a little heated. god I need that woman more than my next breath" a tension filled sigh escaped his lips before he carried on "its not that I don't care she can't move her legs of course i do but I didn't fall in love with her goddamn walk I fell in love with her so of course i was frustrated when she put a stop to it and i might have her that I thought she was a tease "

Leo sat in silence at his brothers words The fact that things had progressed emotionally as far as they had with the lovely Louise was a shock in itself jake had never been overly serious with any of his women never mind throwing the L word into the mix of things, "damn that's one big mess Jake what you going to do?"

"hell if I know, maybe she was right Leo maybe I should see other women, at least I know where I stand with them a quickie and pretty things and their happy" a smack at the back of his head had jake glaring at Katie who moved to stand in front of him like an avenging angel "I don't think so Jake Michael Edward Travis if I even see you with another woman when you admitted to loving my best friend I'll make sure you never have children, you go sort it out and I do recommend taking flowers"

Jake winced at the use of his full name she only used it when she was severely pissed at him "baby if you even go anywhere near my brothers baby maker I will lock you up and not let you out until you scream my name" Katie smiled she did love her husbands possessive streak "okay baby you know I only like one baby maker" Leo growled and picked up his squeaking wife in his arms "come on mrs Travis my baby maker misses you"

Jake gave a disgusted look that was missed by the retreating couple "too much info guys that's really really wrong" his words fell into the empty space as the couple disappeared for parts unknown.

He let his mind wander to his own problem what was he going do? He never stopped thinking of her his thoughts often drifting to what she was doing, would she agree with a choice he had made during the day ..oh man was he whipped.

Distant Shouting had him standing and moving around to the front of the house to investigate the noise curiosity and confusion warring together as his big stride ate up the ground.

Jake stopped at the side of the house his confusion swiftly turning to surprise at the scene that awaited him, the ranch hand Mack was holding a fighting youth in his arms "let go of me" the boy screamed his legs and arms failing to dislodge the muscle of the older man arms "your not going to see mr Travis when your angry my boy.. calm it down".

"it's okay Mack let him go" Jake had seen enough the boy obviously had something to say to him he at least owed the boy that so jake would let him get it off his chest "you come to see me Jackson" jake shuffled his hands sinking into his jean pockets as Jackson shrugged himself free of Macks restraining arms,

"yea I come to see you" Jackson stood toe to toe with jake his eleven year old body stood taut his head raised staring the older man in the eyes "do you know You left mum crying and stuck on the bed, did you want to know she tried to get herself to the porch to get her chair and couldn't get that far, did you want to know we Walked in and found her sobbing in the hallway"

Jake felt the admiration for the young boy grow he was the man in the Ohara household and he was defending his mom like a man should "I'm sorry to hear that" jake replied his mind barely on the situation at hand he was seeing Louise attempting to drag herself to her chair tears pouring down her face with hurt and frustration the image conjured by the boys words made his stomach churn.

"your sorry to hear it that's it? Do you know when I saw you with mom In the hospital I thought you were different but I guess I was wrong " jake watched the young figure walk towards a beat up mountain bike "you came here on that!!!??" jake pointed at the offending piece of metal disgust evident in his voice.

"that..." Jackson started his eyes full of hurt and jake swore he saw the glimmer of tears in the young face "was the last thing me and my dad built together before he was killed ... Stay away from mom" he shouted before turning on the bike and heading in the direction of home.

"GODDAMN IT!!!!" jake stroked a hand through his hair in frustration was there anything else he could do to screw up his and Louise's relationship, his heart ached at the knowledge that he had abandoned her to helplessness the thought struck a dark place within him "time to get drunk I think" he muttered he figured if he could loose himself to a few hours of blissful drunkenness his mind and heart wouldn't be stuck at the Ohara residence with the one woman who was sent to take his heart.

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