Mean girlfriends ):

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Harry was not a normal 16 year old, he was...special.

He was slightly underdeveloped, though no doctors could tell his family what was actually wrong with him. He was just Harry.
This caused him to act younger than his age, most 16 year olds are at the peak of puberty with mood swings and partying. Though Harry was only moody when he couldn't watch Paw Patrol.

Though Harry was underdeveloped, he had an extraordinary singing voice, and was in the boy band One Direction.

Even with his differences his 4 band mates loved him and took very good care of him.


The boys currently had a small break between touring and recording, so they decided to take a well deserved day off and relax at the boys shared house.

Since Harry was required to live in London as it was more convenient when it came
to recording and promotion, he lived with the 4 boys, who all treated him as a little bother as he often got homesick and missed his mummy.

This day off would have been perfect, if not for Louis new girlfriend.

The boys were happy that Louis had found someone, but this 'someone' was very easy for the boys to see through.

Well, all the boys except naive Louis.

She was a gold digger. Simple.

She wasn't necessarily rude to the boys, she was just very easy to read. Well she was rude to one boy, poor Harry.

The girl saw him as an easy target. And often made fun of him for the way he acted.

Abigail, for whatever reason had apparently made it her mission to make Harry's life a living hell.

So you can't blame the sweet boy for being a bit down in the dumps since she came to stay with them for the whole week. 


"Hazza! C'mere so i can help you get into your trunks babe" Louis shouter from the upstairs bathroom, where he has just cleaned up from giving Harry his bath.

"M'kay Lou-Lou" Harry responded, rubbing through the halls in nothing but his bright yellow ducky towel and Mickey Mouse pull-up

One key asset that lured the boys into buying this house, was of course the outdoor pool.

"And step in" Louis said, holding out Harry's red spider-man trunks.

"I go in the pool now!" Harry said, trying to get out of Louis' grip.

"Not yet, we haven't tied them yet, don't want them to fall down do you?" Louis said with a chuckle when Harry rapidly shook his head, staying still while Louis ties the strings.

Now, Harry wasn't chubby, in fact the boy was rather skinny, only having a small amount of baby fat on his cheeks and tummy. Harry didn't used to mind this, but since Abigail came into the picture and pointed it out to him, he's been feeling self-conscious for the first time in his short life.

"Okay bud, you can head outside and Niall will help you get your armbands on" Louis said, ruffling the younger boys curly hair before he sped off.

While Louis helped Liam get the snacks and juice prepared, Mainly junk like crisps, chocolates and sodas, Niall blew up Harry's Nemo themed armbands.

"Zayn are you planning on getting out of bed at some point today?" Liam shouted from the kitchen.

An inaudible muffled groan was his only response.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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