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Dear Diary,

I haven't written in you for a long time... How have you been? I know that I, personally, have... not been the greatest recently. My schizophrenia has gotten better which is... cool, I guess... Ok, this isn't a talk about what has happened to me medically, more... to do with Lyssa...

Lyssa is my twin sister, the side of hatred if you didn't know. She's kind of bitchy but... We get along... We enjoy each other's company despite acting like we hate each other all the way to our cores. Well, today has been... different...

Like any normal day, Lyssa came into my room to talk, to say how the others in the dark side of the mind have been. It's usually quite fun, to be honest. Today... well... it's... difficult to describe... basically, she seemed darker, not like her usual self. I went along my usual routine, asking how everything was until... She pulled out a knife and attacked me... I am not a fighter and neither is my sister but damn, was she bloodthirsty!

She dived at me, quickly using the magic in her sceptre to lock my door as she roughly pinned me to my own bed. She... called me names... freak... traitor... manipulator... pussy... stupid... told me that I wasn't needed... usually, when I'm called these words, they don't affect me. Today though... they hurt... a lot...

Eventually, I forced my sister off of me and she simply grinned, teleporting away before I sat on my bed... I cried... something I hadn't done in a while... she's right, you know? I ain't needed... Thomas has Patton and Roman for love! I'm... I'm nothing... Maybe... I could get rid of myself an easier way... somehow kill myself so I can't come back... Become a blank page... duck out... there are many options...


I'm probably gone when someone finds and reads this anyway... Who am I kidding, you're just a dumb diary about a useless side which takes a few different conditions Thomas has so he can be fine! ...

Everyone is much better without me...

- Imogen

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