Chapter one

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(Y/N)s POV~
When I came too, I was laying in a bed in the nurses office. A cold damp cloth draped over my forehead. Sal looking worried sitting next to the bed near tears. I decided to mess with whoever comes in so I closed my eyes again and steadied my breathing. I heard the door open and heard the voice of an angel.
"He's still not awake?" Clawdeen asked,
     "N-no not that I could tell. But then again he could have woken up and not made any noise so I wouldn't know." Sal replied distraught.
     "Your brother is quite handsome, it's a shame you can't see him." I cannot believe this. Clawdeen called me, HANDSOME. It's incredible.
     "Why thank you Clawdeen." I said opening my eyes, a smug smirk stuck to my face.
     "Y-you could hear that?" She stuttered out, a light crimson blush dusting her face.
     "How long was I out?" I asked doing my best to sit up with how I was positioned.
     "Three or four hours. After you yelled at headmistress blood good, you passed out. Or so I'm told. Also you got ISS for yellin' at her like that." I was slightly shocked. I knew I yelled at the headmistress but whenever I blackout because my anger is getting out of control I usually wake up to find someone hurt.
     "How long?" I asked to know how long I'd miss seeing the wolf's gorgeous face. 'Wait, am I bi? Or pan? This is confusing.'
     "Two months dude. She's really giving you the what for."
     "Welp. I'm dead." I said.
     "Yeah you are. Mom's gonna kill ya!" Sal piped in.
     "Also, SOMEONE has an apology for the both of you." From behind the angel of a wolf came a familiar but not welcome, mummy. I felt my expression grow fierce.
     "I know I am not welcome right now. But please, hear me out." She paused, "I'm sorry." Cleo said, my expression softened a bit, "I was in the wrong. I let my self-confidence take over my judgement. I understand if you can't forgive me yet."
I looked away, letting out a scoff with it. "I'm not forgiving you yet. You have to earn my trust. But I'll give you a chance." I said with such a small blush it was unnoticeable. I could just feel that her face lit up when I said that... despite my telling of not forgiving her yet.
"Also the nurse wants to talk to you alone. C'mon Sal." Clawdeen put out her hand for Sal to take which he did and she lead him out of the room. The nurse walked in and Sat in the chair Sal was.
"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked her.
"Why do you bind like that?" She asked out of the blue. I started to blush furiously, how did she find out?
"I-I don't know what y-you me-mean." I stuttered out.
"Don't play dumb, you know binding like that's dangerous." She kept her voice low as to not be loud enough for the ones outside to hear.
I sighed, "It's not like I have any other choice. My parents wouldn't buy me an actual binder even if I came out to them. They always say stuff like 'Have you ever considered god doesn't make mistakes?' Or 'Trans people are pedophiles!' It gets frustrating." I vented.
"If you need a binder I have a son who's an FTM trans and he grew out of this binder, would you like it?" She asked in a motherly tone. I nodded my head slowly processing what she had said, she got up from her seat and went into her office. After a minute or two she came back with something folded in her hand.
"Go try it on." She urged. I stood and took the fabric, I walked to the bathroom and put it on, it fit perfectly. And my chest was completely flat. A small smile stretched across my face, happy tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. I put my shirt back on, and threw the bandages in the trash can. I stepped out of the bathroom and captured the nurse in a hug.
"I'm guessing it fits?" She asked with a chuckle
"Thank you." I whispered.
"It's no problem." She spoke returning the warm embrace. "Now you should get going. Your brother is waiting for you." The nurse had pulled away from the hug and grasped my shoulders firmly. I went and grabbed my bag and waved goodbye, and left the room.
"So what did she want to talk to you about?" Clawdeen asked once I got to them.
"Just a few questions about if this has happened before, what I've done to fix it yadda yadda." I lied with a dismissive wave.

A few months had passed, mom grounded me for a month for my suspension. But I had grown FEELINGS for Clawdeen. She never asked why I looked like a girl considering I was in guy mode for the first day we met. I'm usually level headed so I think it's called a Kuudere? Whatever anyway, when I'm around her I get all flustered, she's the only one that's been able to make me feel this way. But, she would never be with me. I'm a freak. I falter between male and female, and I'm sure she's 100% straight. I've never seen her go all lovey dovey around any girls. Only boys.
'It's getting hard to breathe, I better take a break from wearing my binder.' That's the first thing that ran through my mind. Not what's actually happening to me. I raised my hand and asked if I could use the bathroom. Mr. Rotter of course complied and allowed me to use the restroom. I went to the boys room and took off the binder, but it wasn't any easier to breathe.
"This usually works." I mumbled under my breath. I suddenly started coughing and I held my hand to my mouth, when I pulled back there was a white petal, it looked as if it were from a rose. "What?" This had started happening a lot more. Mainly when Clawdeen was around.
"Boy, what is happening with you?" Clawdeen asked irritated, "It's like you're avoiding me."
"Sorry Clawdeen, it's just something is happening with me and I don't know what. I haven't had the chance to look it up yet." I said. "But don't worry about me! Focus on finals coming up you've been having trouble with undead languages lately."
     "Oh man is that today!?" The werewolf asked panicked. I looked at her as if she were crazy and with a chuckle I replied with a
     "Yeah! You better get to studying if you want to pass this class." She began to run to where Ghoulia was sitting and frantically explained her situation. Ghoulia proceeded to pull Clawdeen somewhere, most likely the library. I stood there for a second before grasping my throat. A hacking cough escaping my lips. Petals of a sunflower with a little blood staining them fell soundlessly to the concreted ground. Hurriedly I picked the flowers up and galloped away.
     "What is happening to me?" I mumbled. I felt something wrap around my back hoof causing me to trip and fall face first into the grass. "What on earth!?" I looked back and a forget me not was wrapped with a vine around my hooves.
     "V-Venus!? A-Are you around!?" I stuttered hoping this was a prank from the plant controlling ghoul. I began panicking reaching my hand to the vine pulling it ripping it off of my legs. I got to my hooves, and spread my wings taking flight.

I hope whatever's happening to me, doesn't become fatal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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