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Otabek was spoiled. He had two perfect boys, just for him, all for him. Yuri, who he'd known was his whole world since he first saw him, and JJ, who'd snuck into both his and Yuri's hearts like he knew he belonged there. Yuri, he pretended he didn't love JJ, but Otabek knew he did with all of his frozen little heart.

Yuri wanted to act all rough and cold, like a snarling cat with his claws out, but with a few pets from Otabek, he'd be a cuddly kitten in seconds. He favored Otabek, maybe a bit unfairly, but they all knew he loved JJ just as much. He'd be sleeping soundly, arms wrapped around Otabek's bicep, and mumble "Jeh Jeh..." all whispered and dreamy. And, really, that's all Otabek could ask for, for his kitten and his puppy to just get along.

One day, with Yuri all sleepy and angelic in Beka's arms, JJ managed to sneak a kiss onto the sleeping beauty's forehead. Yuri scowled, so JJ knew he was at least half awake, but he didn't bite. JJ was honored, he knew that Yuri didn't like to be seen as cute or vulnerable. Any time he cooed at him and didn't get growled at or hit was a step in the right direction.

A few minutes later and Yuri had awoken fully. Otabek had gotten up to go to the bathroom and JJ was just lying there, playing with Yuri's hair. He took his unraveling braid and redid it neatly, knowing Yuri hadn't quite mastered the technique on himself after having Lilia braid it for him for so long. After he finished, he placed another kiss on Yuri's neck to test his luck. Maybe Yuri was finally admitting to himself that he loved JJ, because all he did was let out a quiet little hum and close his eyes once again.


One night had all three of them on the bed, watching a boring horror movie on Netflix. Yuri was really the only one who wanted to watch it, so the other two were just snuggling around a bowl of popcorn. Yuri, with his own bowl of popcorn, would occasionally throw a piece at the two to get them to stop being such saps.

JJ caught a piece of popcorn in his mouth and leaned over to playfully hit Yuri on the arm.

"C'mon, kitty, you know you wanna join us. This movie's kinda lame, don't you think?"

Yuri scoffed.

"JJ, it's a fucking classic. I'm sorry that your taste in movies is so terrible that you can't appreciate - mmph!" He was cut off by Otabek kissing him on the mouth, quickly melting into it and forgetting his anger. When Otabek released him, he looked down at his lap and continued shoving popcorn in his mouth. He wasn't some sap, after all.

After Yuri had finished his popcorn, maybe he turned a little into a sap. Maybe he wedged himself between JJ and Otabek to be cuddled from both sides, and maybe he stopped paying as much attention to the movie. Maybe he even enjoyed it when JJ stuck his hand down the front of his pajama bottoms, but he didn't have to admit it.

"Jeh Jeh!" he cried, acting annoyed. JJ just smiled, pretty blue eyes turned dark, and wrapped his hand around Yuri's dick, chuckling at how he was, for some reason, hard. Otabek rolled his eyes and played with Yuri's hair while he got his dick tugged at, knowing Yuri wasn't really annoyed with JJ.

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