Lovely and Fair, yet brought to Despair

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December 28th, 2019, 12:30 a.m.
What did I do to deserve to lay on the cold cement, on a crisp winter night, endlessly bleeding, fading in and out of existence, wondering how this can happen to someone as innocent and lovely as myself.

. . . 10 Days Prior to the Present Day . . .

December 18th, 2019
"Dadddddd, why do we have to move again? I'm so sick of trying to make new friends and then leave the town as soon as I manage to get a few."
"Calm down Christopher, and I already told you why we have to move again. Sometimes, dad makes bad decisions, so we have to move away so the bad people don't find us and drag us away to the horrid unknown."
"Ugh, fine. Where are we even moving? Do we have to change our names again?"
"We'll be residing in NY,NY, isn't that exciting Chris! And no, we don't have to change our names again, just stay off of social media and try not to get too involved in curricular activities."
"Dad... why do you make bad choices... why can't you ever just be satisfied like I am... you always want more..."

I obviously didn't get a reply back from my Evan, who is my dad, but I call him Evan and probably always will. If you haven't figured it out by now, my name is Christopher, I prefer to be called Chris, though. We were living in Sandpoint, Idaho, which keep in mind that Sandpoint was a relatively small town, so when something bad happens, news spreads quickly.

There was a report of a mutilated body that was drained of blood in Sandpoint. I knew it was my dad who did it, he obviously got hungry one night and lost control... he just kinda does that sometimes. Once I saw it on the news, I didn't even wait for my dad to get home to tell me what to do. I closed the curtains, burned the fake documents we had made to cover our identities, and packed all of my portable belongings. So yeah, this is the reason why I'm moving to New York, New York. I find it risky that he's bringing us to such a busy place to reside in, but I guess he needs new scenery just as much as I do. Man... I'm gonna miss my friends back home in Sandpoint; alas, new adventures await. I'm proud of myself for at least staying positive in these situations. I always try to find the good in everything, probably because all fairytales and myths say that there's nothing good in me.

We drive into the parking lot of the apartment complex that we will be residing in. I wonder why he can never pick a fancier place for us to live. Evan always picks run down houses or apartment complexes for us to live in, but oh boy, he has really out done himself this time. Some of the walls are in ruins and there's a room on the top floor that basically looks inhabitable.

We check into the front desk and head up to our new "home." I open the door and honestly it's worse than I expected. The walls have a vines growing on them, the floor and walls are just cold, cracked cement, there's barely any furniture, and of course there's a crack in the ceiling of my bedroom that drips water out of it. I'm sure I can make something out of it, though. Perhaps I could put a plant underneath the drip, it would be perfectly positioned so that the light from the window will shine onto the plant; yeah, perhaps I'll do that.

December 20th, 2019
It's the first day of school and I can't say that I'm ecstatic about it. I'm so sick and tired of going to a new school almost every month. I hate making new friends, it's honestly too much work for me. I'm slowly thinking about becoming an official tree hugger, because I'm pretty sure I'm an unofficial one. I can hear my dad yelling from the kitchen, though I can't hear him that well, I'm assuming that my bus is here. I'm so not ready for this day. I slouch down and grab my bookbag and head out the door.

The bus is bustling with energy because it's the first day back from the winter break. I was just trying to do what I would normally do in these situations: just slouch back in the seat and listen to some lofi music; yet there was a disturbance in my usual routine, there was a girl that wouldn't stop glancing at me. She never tried starting up a conversation with me so I decided to keep to myself. Her bookbag had her name on it and honestly, it was the most beautiful name I've ever heard: Sapphire; it's a pretty wicked cool name. Her eyes did not disappoint, for they were the fairest and most gorgeous blue eyes I had ever seen before; they were almost inhuman... absolutely gorgeous.

My day went as I expected it to go: math was pretty boring, english and art were really fun, and well, world history was just world history. I think im gonna go and find a plant to put into my room tomorrow.

December 24th, 2019
Yeahhhh, uh, I may have accidentally procrastinated a little bit to get the plant for my room... whoops. I walk into the nearest hiking trail and start my way into it. As I'm walking I can hear a faint squeaking noise that sounds like an animal crying. I follow the best of my abilities, and I couldn't believe what I came across: a bat! I can't quite figure out what species of bat she is though, but I can tell she's injured. I pick her up and the weirdest coincidence happens, the bat has the same eye color as that girl Sapphire on the bus; therefore I'm deciding to name this bat Sapphire and keep her until she's able to be on her own in the wild again.

I take her back to my house and bandage her injured wing, and give her a variety of options of things to eat, such as strawberries, pepperonis, and celery. I'm guessing that she could possibly be a fruit bat because she went straight for the strawberries.
Sapphire is so adorable. And no, I didn't forget about the plant for my room, I decided to just buy a baby fig tree so that Sapphire can sleep on it.

December 25th, 2019
Today is Christmas! It's my favorite holiday only because it has my nickname in it (I'm only a little cocky.) Evan would always tell me when I was younger that the AVT's, Avbulla Vampire tribe, great spirits made a holiday just for me. I know it's not true now because my education has taught me that Christmas is actually a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Anyways, I just like the holiday because everything in stores usually have a 50% sale the day after. Surprisingly, I haven't seen Evan much tonight, but I'm not going to worry myself about it too much.

December 27th, 2019, 11;45 p.m.

"Hello, New York, New York, tonight I have extremely bad news for you. There seems to be a 'vampire' on the loose. The perpetrator has Jet black hair, pale skin, about 5'10", and has long elf like ears. If you see anyone of the sort, please call the police station right away, I'm Isaac Nightport with your nightly news."

This is what I ran into while on my walk around town. I put up my hood, even though it wasn't me who performed the task. Before I can put my hood up, I see a lady staring at me in terror and then she screams, "VAMPIRE!" I start to run, I'm so scared, I have no idea what to do. I hear sirens around every turn, I don't know where to turn anymore.

12:30 p.m.
I feel like I've been running for what seems like hours now but I know deep down it's only been about 45 minutes. My lungs are on fire, my tears are searing my eyes, and the wind is burning my face... I- I can't keep on going... I have to stop. I fall to the ground, every bone in my body aching...
"FREEZE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" I turn around and it's an FBI agent yelling at me.
"Please, Mr. FBI Agent, I'm not who you think I am-" he cuts me off,
"I didn't ask who you were, put your hands up, NOW! That is an order."
I don't want any trouble so... I did as he said.

When I raised my hands, it wasn't even a split second later that I felt two sharp pains: one coming from my temple and one coming from my chest. I tumble backwards, all of the air in my body escapes from my lungs as I hit the ground. I open my eyes and I can't see anything but different shades of red. All I can hear around me are muffled sirens, footsteps, and people yelling and screaming in fear. I can't comprehend what is happening, but I can take a pretty good guess and say that I am in the process of dying, yeah, that might be it. The only thing I can do now is lay on the cold cement wondering why I was burdened with the task of simply being me. Why would the world shun me just for being different?

"It doesn't matter now, because now everyone who witnessed the scene will finally realise that I, an innocent vampire, was not really a monster, but they the humans were and will always cease to be. For humans are the worst monsters of all."
~Christopher La'fleur

"Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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