One word at a time story

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This is some random one word at a time story I made with the_gay_jay on discord. I editied a bit, and I will put the original at the end. Check out her profile, she has another one word at a time story we made. Yea. Bye.

Once upon a-

"MOOOOO!!!" ... ok... there was nothing, just empty black space swirling around the infinate universe (then where did that moo come from? I don't know...). Then a farm of black sheep appeared. They grazed on the grass, and minded their own business. Then the wasps came along. Wasps created human life, and many other hings. Black sheep were suddenly pushed into the background, angering them. Then the wasps began stinging the cows fence. The sheep hated this. The fence was a thing the wasps created, and the wasps regretted making them. The sheep decided they would eat the wasps. Human life didn't like the wasps anymore, since the wasps wanted to take control of everything, and wasps were quite violent. But human life still appreciated the fact that wasps created them, while the sheep just... grazed. So when the sheep were about to eat the wasps Beth decided to save them.

Beth was a kind soul, always doing everything people asked of her, and more. Wasps scared her- she was never fond of them. Yet when she saw the sheep ganging up on the wasps to eat them, she decided to the right thing and save them. Beth scared away the sheep, and saved the wasps. The wasps thanked her before leaving. Hosuh, who was on his way to the shops, saw what Beth did, and smiled. He went over to her.

"That was nice of you!" he said to Beth. Beth smiled. 

From a distance, Stephen saw what happened. He was happy that Beth did that. He felt something inside him rise up. He felt the urge to kill. He grabbed his knife and sprinted over to the pair. He jumped up and stabbed Beth in the stomach.

"Stephen!" Hosuh said in shock. Stephen grinned at him and walked away. Then Stephen saw the sheep. He growled. they tried to eat the wasps. He sprinted towards the sheep in anger. Joe, Dan and Hosuh grabbed Stephen and dragged him away, saving the sheep.

"Respect the sheep!" Joe says. MJ saw Beth lying on the ground in defeat and decided she was sorry for her (MJ is me, Beth is the_gay_jay). So Mj went up to Beth and grabbed one of her healing potions. She forced the drink down Beth's throat. Beth sat up, coughing and spluttering. MJ looked at Beth, smiled, and got up, offering Beth a hand. Beth took it and stood up. the girls smiled.

Beth looked over at Joe, Dan and Hosuh talking to Stephen before leaving him. Beth felt hatred and anger boiling deep inside her. Stephen stabbed her for no reason whatsoever! He had no right! He needs to die!!! 

Or even better... Beth thought. Beth called over Hosuh. 

"Hi Hosuh! Stephen told me to tell you to meet him outside his house in two hours. He needs to tell you something." Hosuh's face lit up with excitement. He nodded before running off to his car to get changed into something fresh, since his shirt and jeans were covered in mud. Beth grinned evilly. Time for action.

Beth drove up to Stephen's house and got out of her car. She quickly slipped through an open window. She grabbed his dog, making sure that it had something to cover it's mouth. The dog was a small, helpless thing, so she had no trouble in smuggling it in her car. She then hid behind a bush with some duck tape and rope, waiting for Hosuh to come. Hosuh appeared in the door way, took out his phone and began texting. Beth creeped up behind him and read his messages.

Why did you want me outside your door?

Hosuh texted Stephen. Beth grinned. 

"He wants you here," Beth said, making Hosuh twirl around in surprise. "For a surprise!" Beth grabbed Hosuh and put the duck tape on his mouth. He tried to run away, but he couldn't. Beth tied up his hands and dragged him into her car and drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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