When he catches you reading fanfiction,

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He'd laugh kinda shyly and sometimes peek at what you're reading. He never fangirled with you but always showed mild intrest when you get excited over a celebrity. And makes sure the fanfiction you're reading is appropriate of course! But sometimes you sneak some kinky fanfiction here and there.

He'd laugh at you and tease you about it. Everytime the celebrity popped up he'd always point it out. Making fun of you. Though sometimes he does ship them along with you but that happens very rarely. He didn't mind kinky fanfiction aslong as you payed more attention to him instead of it.

Have you seen this boy? He would definitely start reading with you and fangirl often over the ship or celebrity. Hosuh is a cinnamon roll and always read fluff over kink. He really is a innocent boi so you keep your sin fanfics away from him.

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