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"These are prisoners from our most recent skirmish with Hoshido." A deep voice explained

I growled as guards pushed Kaze, Rinkah and me through a door. I assumed a fighting stance, holding my sword by my two friends' sides.

"I want to see your power with my own eyes. Use that sword to strike them down." That trash of a king continued

He spoke to a woman in front of him that held a sword glowing purple and red. I tried to know what it was made of, closing my eyes under my cloak. A shiver ran down my spine and my stance shook ever so slightly as I opened my eyes. I looked at Kaze and Rinkah, both of them returning my hidden gaze with a questioning one. I turned to the enemy again as two men of different ages joined the princess's side. One was old, face scarred and horse on the ready. The other seemed like a

"I am Rinkah! Daughter of the Flame Tribe's honorable chieftain. What is your name, Nohrian princess?"

"I'm Alicia."

Kaze slightly flinched at the name, and I rummaged through my mind to try and figure out why the name sounded so familiar.

"Alicia... Can it be?" My green haired friend muttered

"Huh? Have you heard of me?" The princess questioned

Kaze didn't answer her question and introduced himself instead.

"I am Kaze, a ninja of Hoshido."

The princess looked at me curiously.

"I am Kuro, show me what you can do princess!" I growled, readying my sword

"Kill them all." Garon sternly commanded

Just like that, the battle started. I stayed in my spot observing the princess and her companions as they moved in a rather coordinated way. Without much of a surprise, Alicia summoned a healing zone through a Dragon Vein. It wasn't long before my friends were beaten and I was facing the princess.

"I am not dying today!" I roared

I fought with as much strength as I could muster, but her sword, with nothing of pure, downed me to my knees in front of her.

"So this is how it ends..." Kaze sighed

"Phew! They're really tough, aren't they? I hope all Hoshidans aren't this strong." Alicia muttered to herself, mainly

"Don't just stand there, idiot girl. Finish them!" Trash king commanded

I glanced up at the princess, doubt painted over her face.

"But, father...they're beaten. You want me to execute helpless prisoners?" She questioned

I glanced at my friends, seeing their surprised faces reflecting my own.

"You dare question me?! I order you to kill them!"

'And here I though I had daddy issues.' I grumbled in my mind

"No! It's wrong!" She denied

I scooted back and sat down between Kaze and Rinkah.

"I won't argue the point any further." Trash king growled

He raised his hand and the samurai next to us took a magic fire attack in the face. I didn't flinch, knowing that it was coming.

"Gods!" Alicia yelped

I felt the same energy charging around Kaze and I quickly scrambled to my feet, pushing him out of the way before Alicia jumped in front of me, defending me from the blast.


Kaze rushed to my side, checking for any tears in my cloak, Rinkah sighing in silent relief. The youngest nohrian sibling spoke next, princess Elise.

"Alicia! What are you-"

I droned out in my own thoughts for a moment, remembering that the sword had easily witheld the attack. I snapped back to reality when the crown prince walked towards us. I glanced up at Alicia feeling worried for her.

"Stand down, alicia. If you don't, I will be forced to-"

She cut him off.

"No, Xander. I won't let you do this!" She cried

They clashed swords a few times, showing us that she was in disadvantage against him.

"Why do you refuse, Alicia? You know the Hoshidans are our sworn enemies." He questioned

"I know, but...this is different. These people can't fight anymore. Why not show mercy?" She retorted

I ignored as the other siblings tried to dissuade her. As Xander got ready to take another swing at Alicia, I managed to run in between and use my sword to block the hit, making me tumble back to my original spot from the hit. My ears rung as I barely saw Kaze or Rinkah hunched above me. I felt a softer energy charge up around us, one destined to knock us out. It hit, and the world went black before my eyes.

I woke up on Kaze's back and immediately pushed away to fall in a crouching position. I looked up to see it was night time and we were facing Xander and Alicia. The princess seemed relieved to see me on my feet while Xander looked apologetic.

"Listen well. It is only my sister's kind heart that has bought your freedom." The latter explained

"Disappear now, lest you be spotted by our king."

Kaze was first to run off, not saying anything.

"Tch. I am not a hostage to be freed. You said your name is Alicia? When next we meet, I will make you pay for this humiliation!" Rinkah scoffed

"I was hoping the next time we met, it would be as friends." The princess said

"Softhearted fool! I am a Hoshidan warrior. You do not understand what you suggest." My friend growled

I silently sighed at her fierce character.

"I understand that right now Hoshido and Nohr are at war. But I'm trying to plan ahead for the day the war is over and we can live in peace." Alicia continued

"I've heard rumors of a sheltered Nohrian princess who knows nothing of the world. I see those rumors are true-"

"Rinkah, run along." I sternly cut in

I saw her slightly shiver at my cold voice. She gave a last glare at the Nohrian in front of us before running away quickly. I turned back to the two siblings in front of me.

"The world may be cruel, but a little light like your kindness can make it better. Keep following the path you choose."

I turned around.

"I hope that we'll meet again, this time as friends."

I teleported away, letting my words float in her mind. We'll meet again, I'm sure of it.

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