💜you are a little even if...💜

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don't forget that you're still a little even if you...

💗have tattoos

💗have piercings

💗don't like/have pacifier

💗don't like/use baby talk

💗have stretch marks

💗have (self harm) scars



💗aren't physically little

💗don't like glitter

💗don't like pink/pastel

💗are trans

💗are a boy

💗are tall

💗are chubby

💗are muscular

💗don't like diapers

💗are non-binary,genderfluid,...

💗are 'old'

💗are young/underaged

💗are dominant

💗are disabled

💗are gay, bi, pan,...

💗don't have/want a caregiver

💗are alt.

💗are PoC

💗are sexual (when you're sexual while you're little it's kink not agere but it's still valid!)

💗have any mental disorder

💗are different to the norm

I luv you all and ya'll are adorable little's owo

question: how are you?
if you don't feel well right now I'll send you sooooo much love and I hope that you'll get better soon♡

ps: I'm sorry that I didn't update yesterday, I was super stressed so I'll upload this now.

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