Testing, Testing

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Curt enjoyed being down in the lab. For starters, all the gadgets and equipment drew his attention everywhere he looked, so he was always entertained. He'd move from one item to the next before he even learned what the previous object was or what it did. He also really enjoyed Barb's company. She was bubbly and energetic, and could never stay mad at him for too long no matter what he did. It was a much welcomed balance to Cynthia, who had just given him poisoned coffee a half hour ago after chewing him out.

He burst into the lab, eyes immediately settling on the short blonde. "How's my favorite neeerd?" he yelled, smirking when she jumped at the loud volume.

"Oh hi Curt!" she waved excitedly and rushed over. She fiddled with her glasses and looked down at her shoes. "I'm fine, how are you?"

He looked around the large lab and said, "Bored, which is why I'm here. This place is practically a toy store for me." Her eyes widened and a nervous look swept across her face.

"It's really not, you can't just barge in here and start messing with whatever you want- PUT THAT DOWN!" She rushed over and yanked the monocle from his hand. He leaned over her shoulder to get a better look at it.

"Why? What's it do?"

She let out a huff of air and set it back on it's tray. "It's a very delicate piece of spy-wear that can allow you to run an instant background check on nearby people, and it can help you locate your target in a large crowd so you don't lose track of them," she explained. Curt let out a low whistle.

"Wow, maybe I'll get to use it soon!" Barb shook her head, "I'm sorry, but knowing you,  you'd probably break it."

"Hey!" he protested. She continued, "Plus it just wouldn't look right on you. Monocles are all posh and fancy and you're... not. It would suit Owen much better."

He chuckled and crossed his arms, "Yeah, no one's more posh than that bastard. Heh, he'll probably look like a stuffy old guy wearing it." Barb couldn't help but to giggle in agreement. Curt fed off her encouragement and mocked his partner. He raised his voice a few octaves and gave it a very bad British accent, waving his hands in the air as he spoke. "Oh Curt look at me, I'm so cool and collected all the time! You see it's because I'm British, so that means I'm faaar superior than youu." He even went as far as to shift his jaw to make it look crooked.

Barb's mouth hung open in shock, light laughter spilling out despite her best efforts. She covered her mouth as a snort slipped out and she smacked his arm. "Curt that's not nice!"

That just made him beam. "I know, which is why it's so funny." She just crossed her arms and shook her head fondly.

"Curt Mega you're ridiculous. But, I do have something you could test for me!" she said excitedly. He rubbed his hands together with enthusiasm for what awaited him.

"Great! What is it? Something cool, like a flame throwing pen or a bow tie that shoots acid?" he asked, bouncing on his heels. Barb shook her head, "No but remind me to make that pen, it sounds useful. I need you to test this hearing aid," she said and carefully placed them on his ears. She was on her tip toes trying to reach them, so Curt bent down for her to put them on easier.

"Thank you!" she chirped. She took out a small remote and started fiddling with it.

"So, what's this supposed to do exactly?" She smirked, "You'll see. Just tell me how bad on a scale of 1 to 10."

His brows furrowed, "How bad what-" she pushed the button and cut him off. He yelped and scrunched his shoulders, rubbing his ear. She smacked him to make him stop.

"Did it really hurt that much?" she questioned.

"It was supposed to hurt?" he asked. She let out a huff of a laugh, "Well yeah, it's supposed to electrocute you. Did it not?"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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