Prologue: Liar

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It was May 21st. I'll never forget that day, as hard as I try.

I sat in the second row on the Groom's side of the church, feeling more out of place than I've ever felt before in my life. I had no place here. I didn't belong here. I didn't even deserve to be here. But he wanted me here, so I came. They both wanted me here.

I watched him stand in his suit at the alter in his suit that I knew he would rip off for me in a bathroom stall before he left for his honeymoon and I felt a pang of jealousy mix with the guilt in my stomach that made bile rise up in my throat. I would have him one night a week. She would have him everyday.

I heard the music start to play and watched everyone in the church stand up, mimicking their actions, and turned my head to face the bride as she walked down the aisle, her father on her shoulder. The bride I've lied to everyday for years and years. She gave me a big smile as she made her way down and I tried my best to return it, tears stinging my eyes. She was beautiful. So much more beautiful than I would ever be. I guess that's why he was marrying her and not me.

I sat back down with the rest of the church and sat in silence, twiddling with the bow on the side of my dress and pushing my bangs out of my eyes while I gently wiped away my tears, hoping no one would notice.

He certainly didn't. He didn't look at me once throughout the whole ceremony. I guess I deserved that though.

"Do you, Ashton Irwin, take Heather Garrett to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked him. The man I loved more than anything in the world, the man I would live and die for, breathe for and kill for.

"I do," He said back. I felt my stomach twist and twirl as I heard the words leave his mouth.

"If anyone," the priest began, "Has any reason why these two should not be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace-"

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up, but the words got caught in my mouth. "I-" I started.

I watched as all eyes turned towards me and Ashton really looked at me, a smirk on his face but a cold look that he had never given me in his bright green eyes. I melted under the pressure-I turned around and ran out the church, praying to God that he would chase after me and stop me, maybe even marry me instead of her.

But he didn't.

I ran in heels to my car and slung open the door, just sitting in it crying, and wondering how I got here, in this stupid, sticky, fucking mess.

And I wished then that I had never seen him, never met him.

And definitely never loved him.


Hey guys, this is my new fanfic The Mistress! Hope you guys like it! So, I put Stay on hold until Fading gets to 500k, sorry guys but I jus hate letting my books sit there and not get a ot of reads. Oops.

Updates for Purgatory, Sex Addict and Lucifer are up nooooow, go check them out!


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