Chapter One: Deceit

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It began the summer before I turned 21. I had just gotten a job as a waitress at a tiny little Italian resturant named Luigi's to try to help push myself through college since my parents had cut off all my extra cash. They called themselves trying to "mold me into a better and more responsible adult," or some bullshit like that.

I looked around the restuarant anxiously: One more hour of putting up with shitty attitudes and even shittier tips and I could go hang out with my friends for a while before making the depressing drive back home.

I was brought out of my trance by my co-worker, Maggie, a 16 year old girl with a 80 year old soul. "Paige? Paige. Paige!" She snapped her fingers in front of my face, making me jump.

I ran my fingers through my short, dark brown hair. "Yeah? Sorry," I mumbled quickly, drumming my fingers against the counter of the bar.

"My shift is over, are you sure you can handle it here by yourself?" Maggie asked me quizzically, her flaming red hair framing her bright blue eyes beautifully. I was jealous of the way she looked, she was so much prettier than me.

I looked around the almost empty restuarant and nodded. It was almost an melancholy tension in there, just a couple of middle aged couples and a couple around my age that had just walked through the door. As slow as it was, I was sure I could handle it by myself just for another 60 minutes.

Maggie practically skipped out the door and I grabbed my pen and pad, making my way to the boy and girl who had just sat down. As I got closer, I saw that the boy looked familar. Did I go to college with him? High school maybe? Did his parents know mine?

No. I scoffed when his eyes met mine and he flashed me a cheeky grin. Oh, I knew this bastard, all right. He came here any time from three to seven or even eight or nine times a week with the same different girls. I lost track of how many after the short blonde, the tall blonde, the latina with the big booty, the black girl with the huge boobs, the brunette with the crooked teeth and the blue haired one who always left me good tips. I liked the blue haired one.

A girl for almost every night of the week.

Tonight he was arguing with the blonde.

"-Can't do it anymore! How many others have you cheated on me with? How many more?!" She screamed at him. Great. Just great. When people cause a scene, it makes the rest of the people in the restuarant uncomfortable, and when they get uncomfortable, I lose tips.

I walked over slowly. "Um," I braced myself."Is there a problem, ma'am?" I asked even though the girl looked around my age.

"No," she snapped, tears running down her face, staring at the boy. "Apparently there isn't." I felt bad for her as she hopped up and out of her seat, sobbing as she bolted for the door.

"Hey! Um, aren't you supposed to take my order?" The boy grinned at me, snapping his fingersin my face to bring me out of my trance.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry! Um, what can I get you?" I asked him. I was having a Blonde moment; as if I wasnt socially awkward enough.

"Just coffee please," he smiled at me. I nodded and tried not to trip of my feet as I went. "Hey, don't you wanna sit for a while? You look tired," he asked me when I came back. I frowned.

"B-but I'm still working my shift, I don't know if I can," I complained.

The boy smiled again. "You'll be fine. I'm Ashton, by the way," He smiled, motioning for me to sit.

"I'm Paige, I finally smiled back.

And to this day, part of me wishes I hadn't.


Hey, guys, picture on thie side is Paige, updates for all my other works are up now, go check them out!


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