1.Unbeknowst to himself

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Darkness, darkness all around like a thick blanket spreading itself in the Bangtan vicinity. In broad daylight, there was darkness, and in darkness- there were bloodbaths. Everyone knew the basic rules of survival- one, eat. Two, sleep. Three, drink. And four- Stay as far as you can from the bangtan territory.

The poor people living nearby had to clasp their ears shut to tune out the screams, gunshots and ear piercing battle-cries. The starting of the area was marked by a sign. A tall cylindrical pole with a signboard stuck on it- 'Do not enter' with crosses and skulls under, over and all around it.

Still, some idiot tourists managed to enter that area.

They were never found again.

Inside the bangtan territory, what outsiders would expect, were big, bulky men.  Old and muscular, carrying firearms.

They were partially correct. All bangtan members carried a pistol with them. But they were not old, they were younger than the residents living in the town. But no one lived to convey this to the outsiders.

No one came out of the territory. Or at least they never saw anyone come out. How they got food delivered was a mystery.

There was nothing much in the area. A lot of broken, burnt houses, trees, and a lake. One of these broken, burnt buildings was the bangtan hideout.

V was the appointed leader of their gang. With his gaze as dark as the midnight sky, no one. Not even his own members could tell what he did during his rounds around the vicinity.

He hummed.

He hummed an old forgotten tune. A tune that was his favourite when he was a little boy. Unbeknownst to himself, a little part of the young- Taehyung came out when he was alone.

Humming, walking, a baseball bat clutched in one hand. A bulletproof vest under his dress shirt.

He stopped. Something had hit his feet. He clutched his baseball bat tight, ready to swing it at whatever it was. Only when he looked down, did he freeze.

It was a man. Face scrunched in pain, gripping his ankle like a lifeline. He was pretty. Even with the traces of blood on his face, painting his innocent face with blotches of red.

'Who the fuck are you? What are you doing? Did you not see the sign?'

'Please... Please help me. Take me. Anywhere. Anywhere but home. Anywhere.'

'Oh I will. Get up' V clutched his arm. The boy let out a howl of pain.

'Please... My ankle. It hurts. Don't' V sighed. He pulled him up and threw him over his shoulders.

'God you're heavy.'

'Hey! Put me down! Put me down!'

'Shut the fuck up.'

V took the man all the way over to Bangtan hideout. He got in, it was pitch black.

'Don't turn the light on. I got a fish. It might be a spy, might be an idiot. Blindfold him.' Jin heard noises of shuffling, and a pair of cold hands wrap a shawl around his eyes. Tightening it. He winced at the pain on his already injured forehead.

'Hoseok, be a little more gentle. He's hurt.'

The Hoseok guy, probably, chuckled.

'Wow, the cold dark Kim Taehyung is worried about someone?' Jin heard a smack and an 'ow'. 'Shut up, J-hope. Don't say my name out loud. And I just don't want him getting a brain damage or something. A lot of extra work.'

'But you just said mine!'

'People know me, I am important. Unlike you.'

'Guys please stop fighting.' a new voice spoke up. And then, it was followed by the lights being turned on. Jin immediately got a headache, but couldn't see anything because of the shawl.

'Suga, take him. Interrogate him.' And he was sat down on a chair. When it started moving, he realised that it was a wheelchair.

Note: This book is discontinued on wattpad, if you want more, my ao3 is eelien52

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