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Jin was confused. For someone who did not seem to give a shit about him, they were pretty gentle. The man, Suga, loosened the tight shawl around his eyes when he asked him too. He even asked Jin if he was hungry.

Jin was not stupid, he knew this was the Bangtan vicinity. He knew that these people were one of the deadliest gang in town. But fuck it, he'd rather take a bullet to his head a million times than go back to that hellhole of a place.

After the leftover blood was wiped off his faceand he drank some cold water, Suga started to speak.

'Now what happens next is up to you. If you decide to be a good boy and tell me who the fuck you are, I might spare your life.'

'Speak!' Suga's thunderlike voice boomed across the room. 'Don't make it any more difficult! Speak!'

'I am telling you! I ran away from my home. I have no one in this world! Let me go, please. Or just kill me!'

'Oh my god, I don't want to listen to your sob story. Tell me. What does your dad do? Where does your mom work? You are wearing branded clothes. You better not tell me you're homeless or some shit.'

'I-I don't know. Please... Please let me go.'

Suga sighed. They've been going in circles for the past hour. No matter how much he thought that he was going to crack, he never did. He walked out of the room in dissappointment.

Outside, V was standing. A lollipop in his mouth.

'Did he let out anything?'


'Hm. I think there's no option left, I have to go to boss.'

For a second, a blink of fear was evident in Suga's cold dead eyes. But he quickly lost it.

'Good luck.'


'Boss.' he knocked on his door twice. Silence reigned. 'Boss.' he said, a little bit louder and knocked thrice.

'What the fuck do you want?' a voice shot out from inside.

'Boss, we found a new fish. No idea if it's a spy or not. He was wearing expensive, branded clothes and golden jewellery.'

'Hmm. Come in.'

V walked in immediately sensed something off. His boss, who rarely had a hair out of place, had tousled hair. His shirt was half untucked, blazer in a untidy bunch on his table. An unholy amount of coffee cups and red, dark eyes.

V gulped. His boss was scary on his happiest days. If he stepped one feet out of line today, he was certain to meet his demise.

'Have you interrogated him?'

'Yes sir.'

'And he let up nothing?'

'No sir. Nothing. We tried for two hours.' He added the extra hour so that his boss couldn't tell them to retorture him or something.

'Hmm. A hard nut to crack. Take off his jewellery and sell it, then try to get it out of him. If nothing, we can sell him.'

V gulped. He always avoided doing that. Broke down the most stubborn of people, got ransom. Returned them back to their family, no matter how time it took. But this man was too stubborn even for him. And by what he was saying, his home probably wasn't the best place in the world.

Still he nodded and left.

'Give the poor boy some food! He's gonna die like this!'

'Tried. Won't eat. Barely drank anything.'


'Yeah. Let's wait till V comes back. We'll see what he says.'

V came in an hour later, looking a little lost. He kept thinking back to what his boss told him. Was this really the first time he'll indulge in human trafficking? He tried so hard, and managed to avoid it.

'Sir.' That pulled him out of his trance. He looked up to see Suga, pulling on his fingerless gloves.


'Adamant. Never dealt with someone like this before. We have no idea what to do.'

He sighed. So should he just give up?

No, he wanted to try. One last time before he gave up. But what was left to do? The man was adamant on keeping his mouth shut. He didn't speak a word about his identity, except his nickname.

Right then, his phone rang. He brought it to his ear.

'Hello, boss?'

'V. I want you to stop whatever mission you're on. I have an urgent mission for you.'

'I am listening, sir.'

'I want you to find my son, he's missing for two days now. He left his phone so I cannot track him.'

'Yes boss.'

'Hm. I'll text you the details.'

'Yes boss.'

The call was disconnected and it beeped, indicating a text message. The text was short with only his son's name, age and occupation. As he was going through it, another message popped up in the chat.

Taehyung's eyes widened to the size of saucers.

'Yoongi! Where have you kept the man?'  He said with urgency, forgetting to not use his full name.

'T-The basement, sir.'

'Take me to him.'

The man was sobbing, shivering like a leaf in his chair. He froze quickly, sensing someone coming into the. His mouth dragged into a thin line as he clenched his jaw.

'Please don't hurt me anymore. I'll go. I'll go away very far. Please let me go.'

'Hey! Get his blindfold off.' Suga nodded, untying the shawl and letting the man see for the first time in a day. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to adjust to the ruthless artifical lights piercing into his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a very handsome young man, who was staring at him like he had three heads. His phone fell out of his grip.

Suga picked it up to look at what caused V to be this shocked. His own pair of eyes widened.

'Y-You're- His son?'

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