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Now lets start the story

Love is immortal or deathless or internal a person can die but the person's love never die just like abhigya they wanted in their life to lived together but their wish can't fullfilled everytime destiny made them apart but this time abhigya love won destiny can't them separated to won their love they gave up their life and to fullfill their wish to live together they again come in this earth.

now 20yrs passes after their death
now again abhigya born
now they r 20
but how r they?
lets see

everything dark everything blurry can't see whats happening but if u presume yourself than u understand one man and women falling on the cliff holding each other hands

A 20yrs boy and a 20yrs girl screaming fuggy and rockstar in their own rooms after that they look everywhere in their own rooms and they realized they saw THE SAME DREAM.

yes its the same dream which they saw everynight and after that they screaming fuggy and rockstar name but they don't know why they getting that view everytime. In these 20 yrs one single night not gone where they can't saw that view.

20yrs girl-why everytime i'm getting that dream why

20yrs boy-when i'm understanding the meaning of dream or maybe before that i'm getting that dream

girl-one night not gone where i can't get that dream

Boy- its dream or reality

girl- one more thing the rockstar why i'm taking that name in my mouth after that

Boy- and that fuggy everytime i'm taking that name.i think fuggy my dream girl

girl-i'm sure the rockstar is my dream boy

After that they came to their windows and see moon

girl- hi moon you r here before my born not just my born human 's born so can u plz tell me who is rockstar

boy- hey moon can u tell me who is fuggy?

girl-my husband in my previous birth😍😍

boy-my wife in my previous birth😍😍

girl-my boyfriend

boy-my girlfriend

Girl-arrey why i'm asking u like u said everything 

Boy-i know u not saying anything but i think fuggy is sweet innocent girl just like me.i'm 20yrs old boy everytime others boys said me i'm not cool and all

girl-one thing i tell u moon my rockstar is like me.just like i'm crazy about loud music he is also

boy-i'm sure fuggy like to read books just like me i'm spend my 16 or 17 hours in my books.its good feeling how can i understand those boys about that for them loud music showing style is definition for cool such a stupid thoughts

girl- i can't understand how can anyone read 16 or 17 hours in a day seriously such a boring person they r but thank u my dream boy rockstar because of u i feel someone is with me in this world ok bye see u next night in that dream

boy-thank u fuggy because of u i feel someone is with me in this world ok bye see u next night in that dream

ok thats it
its introduction part now i'm gave u their character definition

pragya-now 20 yrs old her name janvi arora.she is rich girl her father is businessman but she has no mother.she is rocking daring girl loved loud music. music is her life.she is daddy Princess she have attitude but she respects others

abhi-now 20yrs old his name shabir(i don't find any others name that suits his character and i'm not giving pragya as sriti cause than somehow its become real so thats why) mehra.he is very understanding boy he is studies.he loved to read books a lot he have his mother and dadi
(right now thats it if i think to introduce anyone for storyline than i'm telling u but right now thats it) he is middle class boy wanted to became great businessman just like ram arora(janvi's father)

And last but not least negative character is
viraj and chachi- janvi has a chachi whom she love most after her dad but chachi have eye on ram's properties which is all for janvi thats why she showed janvi that she love her very much and viraj is chachi's cousins brother chachi wanted to tie up viraj with janvi in future

so thats it
how is it
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I know we loved abhigya alot but i somehow feel if they take reincarnation track than its more better than 20yrs dp gang story
i hope u all like it
i try as much as possible to gave abhigya feeling in their new life
I hope according to description u understand here abhi is studies just like pragya or pragya is rocking just like abhi also negative character live with janvi
Ok bye
see u soon
and one thing can u plz anyone gave me one pict for this story

bye bye

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